The problem here is that the whole system is corrupt. We'd never find any gov't AG's who'd file indictments against the corruptocrats or banks. There are no judges who would allow such cases to move forward.
We just witnessed how rigged the whole FKN thing is.
In Iceland all the citizens did was gather in front of the statehouse and bang pots with wooden spoons chanting they are unhappy with the government, and the entire government Said yeah we’re doing a shitty job, we resign, and They all left And held new elections. Our government could be hated by 99% of everyone and they’d still have to be drug out by their heels kicking and screaming
I thought so. Cause its owned or under the authority of one of the other Nordic countries but Iceland is separate. Or something like that. The whole Greenland is covered in ice and Iceland is green thing is just weird.
No, no extra money. But with a mortgage, you usually pay like 3 times the price of the house. With 110% of your mortgage paid, you fully paid for the property. Also you get free hot water, it only smells a bit sulphuric. And so do you after taking a shower, it's an amazing country, with kind people. Hope to visit it again very soon.
The problem here is that the whole system is corrupt. We'd never find any gov't AG's who'd file indictments against the corruptocrats or banks. There are no judges who would allow such cases to move forward.
We just witnessed how rigged the whole FKN thing is.
Military is the only way, IF ever . . .
In Iceland all the citizens did was gather in front of the statehouse and bang pots with wooden spoons chanting they are unhappy with the government, and the entire government Said yeah we’re doing a shitty job, we resign, and They all left And held new elections. Our government could be hated by 99% of everyone and they’d still have to be drug out by their heels kicking and screaming
Sounds like socialism to me. No thank you.
Iceland is cool!
The girls are lovely too.
Based Iceland
It was probably years in the making, Im starting to think this will take a t least a decade.
That wouldn't work here. Antifa wouldn't be considered a political affiliation.
Wait which one was it Trump wanted to buy?
I thought so. Cause its owned or under the authority of one of the other Nordic countries but Iceland is separate. Or something like that. The whole Greenland is covered in ice and Iceland is green thing is just weird.
They sure did but unfortunately they are a lot smaller.
All for show,anyone who has tried to buy a gun on Iceland will tell you that it is who you know and nothing else that is the determining factor.
Do you really think this would still be the case if things 'changed' and all was well in Iceland........................
Same shit, different rout for optics but still leads to the same shit, they just changed some of the shit'heads'...........
The whole game needs replaced. We can never let this happen again.
If you had a home that was worth say 100k any debt you have over 110k was forgiven
To remove negative equity? I would like to know, too.
They no longer had to pay their mortgages! It also gave a big economic boom, who would have known?
No, no extra money. But with a mortgage, you usually pay like 3 times the price of the house. With 110% of your mortgage paid, you fully paid for the property. Also you get free hot water, it only smells a bit sulphuric. And so do you after taking a shower, it's an amazing country, with kind people. Hope to visit it again very soon.
Love the smell of rotten eggs in the morning! It smells like victory! XD
So if Home values were 100k... all debt you had up to 110k would be wiped. That was my thought but I could be wrong.