1150 Well would you look at that? (media.communities.win) NCSWIC posted 4 years ago by Puncake150 4 years ago by Puncake150 +1152 / -2 145 comments download share 145 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Chris Christie if true
LYIN' TED if true
It's a real fucking shame, man. I thought he had finally evolved into Lion but he went straight back to Lyin'. Fuck you, Ted.
Goldman-Sachs wife, Goldman-Sachs life.
I completely forgot about that. fucking disappointed. doesn't he realize he would have been #2 potentially if he had a pair to do it. Texans better primary the fuck out of him
Swamp scum never evolves.
Rosie O'Donnell if true
Michael Moore if true.
Amy Schumer if true
It's the same picture
Zodiac Killer if true
Chris Krispy Kreme if true.