49 More than 400 US military planes in the air over the US right now, and the number is still climbing!!!! (globe.adsbexchange.com) posted 4 years ago by ThomasMaker 4 years ago by ThomasMaker +50 / -1 26 comments share 26 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Planefags- is this common?
This is higher than usual activity, but still within the range of normal. If there were over 500 planes, that would be exciting
If the planes are carrying indictments (can hold 50,000 each) it could signal that opsecQreveal is close at hand.
It's showing me 319 right now, 1:40 PM.
Maybe they're just giving away a free wash with a fillup for a limited time.
look at this canadian plane hauling ass
If my numbers are right did anyone else just see what would be AF1 appear ?
Think I have it wrong disregard.
And what the heck is this?
Example 2
B52 dropping payload over Texas.
Why isn't the sky rumbling?
Of course,Its war zone bois....?????
Love to understand what's happening over Jacksonville, Fl.
Top Gun?
Only certain about it meaning something, what that something is however is anyone's guess..
17 Tex2's in the air with the callsign BLADE...
It’s a trainer. You could also drop a few bundles of heroin to cartel members if you cut holes in the floorboard.