When people don't read. Damn flat earther trying to attach to anything. "Air planes!! How do they work??" Is not an argument. A rat running around a rocket 11:28 right image. That bothers me.
I just watched some of that video with a friend, and he noticed something at 10:35 where it looks like some paper starts moving around the fuselage, then a smaller piece moves into frame in much the same way as the images at 11:28 so I don't think it's a rat.
Still pretty odd that something that's loose can just float around on the spaceship when it's supposed to be travelling at ludicrous speed. (5,600 mph)
The footage is so grainy it's hard to say for certain. It could be a rat, but then again it could be some loose foil flapping around. Still hard to explain away either way
13:38 go there. You see it jump down camera shift camera shift climb back up then jump. I believe space travel is real, what they show us is studio/CGI.
Sorry about the last one, it's past bed time for me. But yeah, I follow Q stuff because... I just need answers. Seeing things that should not be there. Hearing things that don't make sense and everyone around me going along with it. White/Black/Grey/Red hats running around. Media parrots each other. Things are just strange. Tired of the mystery. If it's aliens/demons/Hollywood all I want is to see the spacecraft/portal/film set. Don't care which at this point. Don't care if millions of people lose their minds because their reality shatters. I will just think, that's cool, got the answer and time to change the channel now. Fun show.
No biggie, and I hear you. The waiting is hard, but I try and remember what someone pointed out to me the other day...it's a lot harder for all those kids waiting to be rescued.
Whenever I get to thinking 'that NESARA/GESARA stuff is gonna wipe out my mortgage and I won't be a wage slave any more, hurry up dammit!' I remember how I feel about what is being done to the children of the world.
We got it easy Fren, and I'm definitely grateful for that.
NASA stuff... there is stuff in NASA they are hiding. My God, the flat Earth stuff is funny until he keeps hammering at it. The falcon9 that started this ➡ scale model in a sound stage. No rat is that big. The stuff we see from NASA is ever trick from Hollywood. If you ever want to talk about flat Earth I will egg you on, but the stuff I have seen.
You didn't know about the rat running around the engine of the SpaceX falcon9 rocket as it was heading into outer space? I am no engineer so I don't know if a rat can survive the insane temperatures of outer space. Let alone even breath. But I do believe NASA has the largest movie studio in America
I think this one has some other nasa unexplained in it https://www.bitchute.com/video/wn8mvznMQBUA/ have a look. Shows people and items being photoshopped into the livefeed from nasa...
When people don't read. Damn flat earther trying to attach to anything. "Air planes!! How do they work??" Is not an argument. A rat running around a rocket 11:28 right image. That bothers me.
I just watched some of that video with a friend, and he noticed something at 10:35 where it looks like some paper starts moving around the fuselage, then a smaller piece moves into frame in much the same way as the images at 11:28 so I don't think it's a rat.
Still pretty odd that something that's loose can just float around on the spaceship when it's supposed to be travelling at ludicrous speed. (5,600 mph)
Look at 13:38 and tell me that isn't a rat. Watch in hop. You can see it on both angles.
The footage is so grainy it's hard to say for certain. It could be a rat, but then again it could be some loose foil flapping around. Still hard to explain away either way
I just posted the time most obvious. Rat goes in and out a few times.
I don't think that is an animal. Look at the video at 10:30. It looks to me to be ice.
13:38 go there. You see it jump down camera shift camera shift climb back up then jump. I believe space travel is real, what they show us is studio/CGI.
Holy shit Fren, that's crazy!
Sorry about the last one, it's past bed time for me. But yeah, I follow Q stuff because... I just need answers. Seeing things that should not be there. Hearing things that don't make sense and everyone around me going along with it. White/Black/Grey/Red hats running around. Media parrots each other. Things are just strange. Tired of the mystery. If it's aliens/demons/Hollywood all I want is to see the spacecraft/portal/film set. Don't care which at this point. Don't care if millions of people lose their minds because their reality shatters. I will just think, that's cool, got the answer and time to change the channel now. Fun show.
No biggie, and I hear you. The waiting is hard, but I try and remember what someone pointed out to me the other day...it's a lot harder for all those kids waiting to be rescued.
Whenever I get to thinking 'that NESARA/GESARA stuff is gonna wipe out my mortgage and I won't be a wage slave any more, hurry up dammit!' I remember how I feel about what is being done to the children of the world.
We got it easy Fren, and I'm definitely grateful for that.
Have a look at this https://www.bitchute.com/video/wn8mvznMQBUA/
Im sure you will enjoy it.
NASA stuff... there is stuff in NASA they are hiding. My God, the flat Earth stuff is funny until he keeps hammering at it. The falcon9 that started this ➡ scale model in a sound stage. No rat is that big. The stuff we see from NASA is ever trick from Hollywood. If you ever want to talk about flat Earth I will egg you on, but the stuff I have seen.
You didn't know about the rat running around the engine of the SpaceX falcon9 rocket as it was heading into outer space? I am no engineer so I don't know if a rat can survive the insane temperatures of outer space. Let alone even breath. But I do believe NASA has the largest movie studio in America
No, I hadn't seen that, pretty hard to explain away. Perhaps we'll see it on the next episode of 'NASA Unexplained'...or maybe not ?
I think this one has some other nasa unexplained in it https://www.bitchute.com/video/wn8mvznMQBUA/ have a look. Shows people and items being photoshopped into the livefeed from nasa...