See, you are open to possibility that there is some fuckery going on, here is another good one, what does a rocket propel against to move forwards? And how can a fire exist to propel the rocket if there is no oxygen in space to allow ignition?
Questioning no resistance in space doesn’t translate to me questioning a spherical earth. The theory of a flat earth is just absurd, especially when everything we observe is spherical...
I’m sure there’s an explanation (like low earth orbit) were rockets still have mass to push off from. And a simple DDG search also comes up with an explanation of how a rocket is able to propel its way through a vacuum...
What is absurd is looking up in the sky to prove what we stand on. Its like saying the billiard balls are round therefore the table they are on must also be round!
I honestly agree with you that this sounds retarded, I was in your position about 10 years ago... I watched all of the scifi shit, learned planets and other solar systems, the big stars out there in the vastness of void. And thought all of this shit was absurd, until I looked into it more.
Look, I can not convince you, this is a conclusion you have to come to yourself. But how about this, I can disprove the heliocentric model of the universe in 2 sentences, ready?
When earth rotates around the sun and the seasons change, why do we see the same stars when it is winter and when it is summer? The earth is supposed to be of the other side of the orbit, with the night side facing into the opposite direction during summer and during winter...
Below the E is the earth and S is the sun
Night sky < - E in winter --- S --- E in summer - > Night sky
Ok, but would you agree that it does disprove the heliocentric model that we have been taught in school?
As for disproving the sphere, that is easy to do.
Ships go over the horizon? Disproved, on youtube there are 100s of videos of amateurs using P1000 cameras to zoom in and see the whole ship again.
Curve of earth is 8inches per mile squared, that means anything past 100 miles should be behind 6,666 feet of curvature, yet on youtube you have people who use infrared lens to take photos of mountains at a distance of 175miles... Disproving the curve.
Check out the amateur weather balloons that people send up to 120,000 feet into the sky, with a camera (that doesnt have a fish eye lens) showing that horizon is perfectly level and there is no curve.
Yahoo answers as your source... And even in it, it says ancients believed there to be a sphere above us to which the stars were fixed... the ancients knew the earth was flat.
That answer is jsut to make you stop questioning anything... "Oh its too big, we cant see any difference because we are so small"
Why dont you use that little research time to research flat earth? But then again, even you trying to disprove me, still makes you research bits anyway, so its ok by me.
Get a piece of paper, A4 or whatever, place a dot in the middle, and scatter some dots around the edge of the page... now, the dot in the middle is our solar system, the dots on the left are stars we see during winter nights, the dots on the right are stars we should see during summer nights. Doesnt matter how far they are, they are not the same dots that are on the left side. But you are being told "no it doesnt work that way, the stars are SOOOO far away, that what you see on paper is false"
Billiard ball reference. I like it. Balls are round yes. The table is flat. our dimension is the table. Black holes are just signs of dense objects that fell through the table or stretched it. We do get to the table as we move further out into this, but Earth is round. Try to answer: The shadows at different points on the Earth at the same time, stretch in the manner they do on a round surface with a fixed light source. How can that be on a flat surface?
Smaller more localised sun could achieve the same effect on flat earth. Shadows experiment doesnt prove the earth is curved.
Im not gona get into the black holes thing, as they only exist on paper. You have to understand one thing, I do not subscribe to heliocentric model of the universe, you saying there is a black hole at the centre of the milkyway and we are moving to it, means nothing to me as I do not agree with it. The way we are taught that earth rotates around the axis, then flies around the sun, which hurls around the spiral arm of milky way is complete bullshit. If that were true, we would see 2 different sets of stars during winter nights and during summer nights as we would be looking at the opposite sides of the spiral arm.
I just checked the other replies, you are the guy that thinks that there is a rat in the rocket video. So clearly that particular video of rocket in space is fucking bullshit. So is it such a massive leap of faith that all of them are bullshit? And is it that much more of a leap of faith that they are bullshit because rockets dont fly into space as it doesnt exist since the earth is a flat and motionless pain?
See, you are open to possibility that there is some fuckery going on, here is another good one, what does a rocket propel against to move forwards? And how can a fire exist to propel the rocket if there is no oxygen in space to allow ignition?
Questioning no resistance in space doesn’t translate to me questioning a spherical earth. The theory of a flat earth is just absurd, especially when everything we observe is spherical...
I’m sure there’s an explanation (like low earth orbit) were rockets still have mass to push off from. And a simple DDG search also comes up with an explanation of how a rocket is able to propel its way through a vacuum...
interesting to ponder about nonetheless
What is absurd is looking up in the sky to prove what we stand on. Its like saying the billiard balls are round therefore the table they are on must also be round!
I honestly agree with you that this sounds retarded, I was in your position about 10 years ago... I watched all of the scifi shit, learned planets and other solar systems, the big stars out there in the vastness of void. And thought all of this shit was absurd, until I looked into it more.
Look, I can not convince you, this is a conclusion you have to come to yourself. But how about this, I can disprove the heliocentric model of the universe in 2 sentences, ready?
When earth rotates around the sun and the seasons change, why do we see the same stars when it is winter and when it is summer? The earth is supposed to be of the other side of the orbit, with the night side facing into the opposite direction during summer and during winter...
Below the E is the earth and S is the sun
Night sky < - E in winter --- S --- E in summer - > Night sky
That doesn’t necessarily disprove that the earth is a sphere though...
Ok, but would you agree that it does disprove the heliocentric model that we have been taught in school?
As for disproving the sphere, that is easy to do.
Ships go over the horizon? Disproved, on youtube there are 100s of videos of amateurs using P1000 cameras to zoom in and see the whole ship again.
Curve of earth is 8inches per mile squared, that means anything past 100 miles should be behind 6,666 feet of curvature, yet on youtube you have people who use infrared lens to take photos of mountains at a distance of 175miles... Disproving the curve.
Check out the amateur weather balloons that people send up to 120,000 feet into the sky, with a camera (that doesnt have a fish eye lens) showing that horizon is perfectly level and there is no curve.
And, with a little research, an explanation...
Yahoo answers as your source... And even in it, it says ancients believed there to be a sphere above us to which the stars were fixed... the ancients knew the earth was flat.
That answer is jsut to make you stop questioning anything... "Oh its too big, we cant see any difference because we are so small"
Why dont you use that little research time to research flat earth? But then again, even you trying to disprove me, still makes you research bits anyway, so its ok by me.
Get a piece of paper, A4 or whatever, place a dot in the middle, and scatter some dots around the edge of the page... now, the dot in the middle is our solar system, the dots on the left are stars we see during winter nights, the dots on the right are stars we should see during summer nights. Doesnt matter how far they are, they are not the same dots that are on the left side. But you are being told "no it doesnt work that way, the stars are SOOOO far away, that what you see on paper is false"
Billiard ball reference. I like it. Balls are round yes. The table is flat. our dimension is the table. Black holes are just signs of dense objects that fell through the table or stretched it. We do get to the table as we move further out into this, but Earth is round. Try to answer: The shadows at different points on the Earth at the same time, stretch in the manner they do on a round surface with a fixed light source. How can that be on a flat surface?
Smaller more localised sun could achieve the same effect on flat earth. Shadows experiment doesnt prove the earth is curved.
Im not gona get into the black holes thing, as they only exist on paper. You have to understand one thing, I do not subscribe to heliocentric model of the universe, you saying there is a black hole at the centre of the milkyway and we are moving to it, means nothing to me as I do not agree with it. The way we are taught that earth rotates around the axis, then flies around the sun, which hurls around the spiral arm of milky way is complete bullshit. If that were true, we would see 2 different sets of stars during winter nights and during summer nights as we would be looking at the opposite sides of the spiral arm.
Because, hear me out and hold on to your seat, ... They move too.
Genius, how did I not think of that, our solarsystem hurls through space, but other solarsystems are stuck in position.. You sir are a genius...
I just checked the other replies, you are the guy that thinks that there is a rat in the rocket video. So clearly that particular video of rocket in space is fucking bullshit. So is it such a massive leap of faith that all of them are bullshit? And is it that much more of a leap of faith that they are bullshit because rockets dont fly into space as it doesnt exist since the earth is a flat and motionless pain?