431 HUGE Hopium hit from Lin Wood today - military rescuing children. Dear God, I truly hope this is what is happening (t.me) posted 4 years ago by Two_Scoops__ 4 years ago by Two_Scoops__ +431 / -0 94 comments share 94 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Nothing enrages me more, than the panda eye'd kids.
Never knew what that meant until a month ago. It’s is sickening...from the pits of Hell.
Basilar skull fracture. In medicine we call it raccoons eyes
Oh, God.
That's AWFUL.
I thought it was because their abusers wouldn't let them sleep.
What you described is FAR worse.
Jesus, help us now.
I do not miss that rabbit hole
Do they not resemble the descriptions of the alien bodies found at Roswell? Imagine seeing this face from a distance.
Perhaps this is why we never learned the truth about Area 51.
Did you notice the army of Pepes in the video?
good point. maximum kek!
I get pretty mad, like no other time ever in my life. Its really intense.