380 WARNING TO ANONS. It is CONTAGIOUS and DANGEROUS posted 4 years ago by TheHumanPrimer 4 years ago by TheHumanPrimer +386 / -6 124 comments share 124 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Why be an insulting douche though when you think about it
Because it needs to be done. God hates a coward.
he also hates arrogant dickheads like you who fly into roid rage over someone doing something they don't agree with. Look up all the verses on what God thinks of anger you moron lol
When a random "jogger" selects your head for the punch-out game, just remember this... don't be mad.
Sounds like you are a perpetual victim with daddy issues.
Yeah, this guy is a massive sad daddy hating stereotype. Probably loves when the wife puts on the strap on.