posted ago by Binome169 ago by Binome169 +34 / -0

There’s a lot of speculation going on about the current administration in terms of what they are or aren’t doing.... but I don’t believe it is possible to have such a position, we must not waiver from the Constitution and Q always told us that, it’s others that have tried to water down what Q did or didn’t say, so military the only way..? Yes? Then how can we do that Constitutionally? Well... We need an Act of War....!

What must happen before the military can replace the alphabet agencies especially those Domestic.... and why was the NSA made a combatant Arm under DJT or why the Space Force.. they are both completely military ? Or why around that time was there a shooting at the gates of the NSA? Which Coincidentally was on the same morning as the Parkland School Shooting... yes the one where Hogg lied about where he was at the time.... plus numerous other odd details...

Are we watching this movie because Not one politician can say anything without committing Treason.... is that now , what must be ‘knowingly’ ....

So is this a FAKE PRESIDENCY...?? ..... I doubt it very much... no matter how you play it through there’s always an obstacle at some point down whichever analysis you choose to follow....

The best I think we can read from these strange occurrences and breaches of protocol....is that we are currently in a National Security lock down and that situation arose through interference of our election by a foreign power.... and because of the evidence available and the seriousness of the interference... that both parties have agreed to absolute secrecy even before the inauguration, and therefore let it go ahead etc because of the severity of the interference and the only possible reason for it was to bring America down by control and influence not just politically but also corporately and financially... effectively an Act of War.... A war like none have us could foresee or have experience of... A modern day Blitzkreig , so to speak, and under DJT we prepared for it and now we are in it...

And because of this secrecy we are unknowingly being led into the later stages of that ‘modern Blitzkreig’ remember the Cyber Pearl Harbour before Xmas? The attack that was tantamount to an Act of War...? Where’s that gone? What about the evidence of election interference, or the court cases that went away? or the positioning of our carrier groups on both coasts, the list goes on..!!

Right now, I see that the Democrats and Republicans plus the military are working in a ‘Wall’ a ‘Wall’ as Q often posted that is shielding from us what really is going on and it’s why things look odd... behind the scenes this country is dealing with a ‘war’ and is, following that attack and interference, we are seeing them play everything out as normal’ to prepare for a new election once it can be held safely and fairly..... and Biden is playing POTUS so as not to create mass panic or other fallout from what is going on behind the scenes....