Formulation of capital B could not be more different
On left it begins high above baseline with straight downstroke, then pen lifts and travels high left to begin unconnected stroke remainder
On right it BEGINS ON BASELINE, then entire character is constructed of single multi-curving stroke.
These are two conceptualizations of how to form the letter that are completely alien to one another. The odds of an adult suddenly changing so fundamentally the way they think of writing their own initial are probably near zero. Safe to say two different people wrote these signatures.
I have to say, he does have a wide area between lip and nose, it's the most like on both dummies. The upper lip looks the same but beyond that there could be lots of plastic surgery. I don't know.
Let's play spot the difference
Dead giveaway in the signature
Formulation of capital B could not be more different
On left it begins high above baseline with straight downstroke, then pen lifts and travels high left to begin unconnected stroke remainder
On right it BEGINS ON BASELINE, then entire character is constructed of single multi-curving stroke.
These are two conceptualizations of how to form the letter that are completely alien to one another. The odds of an adult suddenly changing so fundamentally the way they think of writing their own initial are probably near zero. Safe to say two different people wrote these signatures.
Jill signs her B like that.
He's had the same hairline for decades. Why in his late 70's would he finally decide to do something about it?
I have to say, he does have a wide area between lip and nose, it's the most like on both dummies. The upper lip looks the same but beyond that there could be lots of plastic surgery. I don't know.
I cannot believe I did not notice that sooner, different people!
def. a nose job - strange for that age
chin is also difference yes
but at 78 you start to really age and shrivel.
Just the slant of the top of the nostrils are weird. I think for OG Biden they were slanted towards the front — now they’re completely flat.