So is he dangerous because his supporters are as convinced as ever of election fraud? Or is he desperate for waves from a dwindling support base? These retards can't get their stories straight.
Now you see how bad Trump really is. He's as bad as my grandfather who would drive around (in his car, of all things) and wave at people he saw. What a monster.
Ask yourself why Biden isn't riding either the primary Boeing vc-25a known as Sam 28000, or the backup vc-25a known as Sam 29000, which is a backup specifically when Sam 28000 is down for any reason.
Both jets are down? That is some bullshit right there.
Fuck outta here shill... unlike how we dig, your form of “research” is front page of Google... learn how to click on 5th and 6th pages as well.
You’d be surprised where that plane can land... also why didn’t Biden fly on the 747 on “Inauguration Day”? Out of service?? Yea I’m sure... especially since one of the two jets is ALWAYS ready for POTUS
"...similar vehicle to the Beast"?
You mean like the one Biden has yet to be seen in?
Huh, wonder where the Beast is... taking a vacation down south perhaps?
This symbolism seems like a message, but for whom? It might be for his supporters to say I'm still in charge. However, for all we care, he could be riding around in monster truck. Actually, that would be pretty cool. It's not for the general public because I doubt the media is going to show them anything that even remotely contradicts their narrative, no matter how benign. This fits best into the narrative that many of the dirty deep state operatives already know Trump holds all the cards and that he's holding off on wiping them out to make them squirm. This might just be another small detail to keep making the sweat.
This article is an excellent example of MSM realizing Trump was their only meal ticket and now they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel and come up with shit like this to try and restore former glory. Lmfao
"Hoping for waves."
Like he's running low on enthusiasm from his base, puuhhleease.
So is he dangerous because his supporters are as convinced as ever of election fraud? Or is he desperate for waves from a dwindling support base? These retards can't get their stories straight.
Now you see how bad Trump really is. He's as bad as my grandfather who would drive around (in his car, of all things) and wave at people he saw. What a monster.
Cmon guys this is clearly a joke.
"similar vehicle"
bc we all see Bidan drive in the real one all the time
along with his real af1
along with his real white house that goes dark at 11pm
O Rly?
Ask yourself why Biden isn't riding either the primary Boeing vc-25a known as Sam 28000, or the backup vc-25a known as Sam 29000, which is a backup specifically when Sam 28000 is down for any reason.
Both jets are down? That is some bullshit right there.
It wasn't squawking as AF1 while in the air with Biden on-board.
Fuck outta here shill... unlike how we dig, your form of “research” is front page of Google... learn how to click on 5th and 6th pages as well.
You’d be surprised where that plane can land... also why didn’t Biden fly on the 747 on “Inauguration Day”? Out of service?? Yea I’m sure... especially since one of the two jets is ALWAYS ready for POTUS
"...similar vehicle to the Beast"? You mean like the one Biden has yet to be seen in? Huh, wonder where the Beast is... taking a vacation down south perhaps?
they just see a reflection of themselves.... very common with mad liberals.
I'll take a narcissist over a traitor and a whore.
sitting here thinking about this and af1, Did trump take all the transportation with him lol. left Biden to figure it out
This symbolism seems like a message, but for whom? It might be for his supporters to say I'm still in charge. However, for all we care, he could be riding around in monster truck. Actually, that would be pretty cool. It's not for the general public because I doubt the media is going to show them anything that even remotely contradicts their narrative, no matter how benign. This fits best into the narrative that many of the dirty deep state operatives already know Trump holds all the cards and that he's holding off on wiping them out to make them squirm. This might just be another small detail to keep making the sweat.
When he finds himself on a wrong side of history, he´ll be very upset
Biden still acting like a weak puppet, because.....he is!
3 laughs and 1 share.
I can get more truth out of watching a dog take a shit.
I'd wave.
Whaaaaat? Trump’s not the President??!! Fake news!!
Trump loves his base and loves to connect with them don’t think there is any shortage of waves
This article is an excellent example of MSM realizing Trump was their only meal ticket and now they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel and come up with shit like this to try and restore former glory. Lmfao
Hoping for waves, these ppl are stupid, this “private citizen” can send one message and have a million supporters ready In an hour.
First off wouldn’t he have as protectio. Which I’m sure is a car damn dumb are they? Don't respond...I know the answer to that one.
Lmao...they believe it.