Just as we've seen several times, they arent going let anyone know when. Trump has said it. Flynn has said it. The trick is to confuse the enemy. So believe me. I wish i was wrong. I really do, but there's no way anything will happen during the superbowl. I know q posts have said shit about superbowl puppybowl, whatever. For optics and other reasons that we likely don't know of, it cant happen like that.
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What do you think of the March 4th predictions? I believe the Biden admin is a front for our desired military rule, just to wake up everyone, but do you think its a 4 year long ruse?
Not a 4 year long ruse. There are big things happening in the background:
Praise God! Reading this makes my heart swell!!
Thank you for posting this, I had not seen it
You can help be a part of it.
Look at the Correct Your Status page on that site.
Who is this? What is this document? Sounds like a unibomber treatise. In the same document, it says arrest Bill Gates and Fauci, and also to consume borax and vinegar to reliquify some crystals so they can pass through your system. Huh?
Do your research. Its a very deep rabbit hole that goes back to before the Civil War.
I am familiar with the story of the Corporation vs the federation, etc. The woman writing this is a bit of a fringe character, much like Simon Parkes and others. Word on a brief search shows that the woman writing this, Anna Reiszinger, is a 'self-proclaimed' judge of common law and she titles herself as the Fiduciary of the United States of America. She orders Trump to arrest Bill Gates, Whitmer, Fauci and others. And then she uses the term 'Obummer' in her 'legal document'. And then also tells us to drink laundry enhancer and other stuff to protect against - I'm not really sure what. But, with the 'baby with the bathwater' adage, as soon as you see the author, the whole treatise becomes suspect to a casual observer.
16 year long ruse, minimum. Stop date fagging and enjoy 8 years of Cumala and 8 of Big Mike.
It better fucking not be, I'm betting it happens this year. I like the March 4th date as when we get our president back, I hope we get an awakening before then!