I rewatched The Matrix last night for like the two-hundredth time, but this time I watched the battery scene in a new light.
For those who haven't watched it, in this scene, Morpheus tells Neo that humanity's primary function has been reduced to supplying energy to the machines. And before that, when he gives Neo the option to take the red pill to awaken from the simulation, he talks about how people are born into a prison without ever knowing so. One that you can not see or touch, a prison of the mind.
Since being on GA.win, I've had my eyes opened to the symbolism of the cabal. The pyramids, DC/London/Vatican monuments, the owl symbol in the placement of the DC buildings, and even the Statue of Liberty really being a statue to Semiramis (queen of Babylon). The list goes on and on!
Why go through all the efforts with the symbology if these Satanists didn't really feel some power from it and I mean more than just a reminder/ego boost of their influence?
So the point I'm trying to make is, what if the cabal is farming psychic energy from humanity without our knowledge or consent? A prison we are born into-one we can not see or feel. Do these weird monuments serve a purpose to channel/collect our energy somehow? If they do, what are they doing with our psychic energy?
Then again I could be looking too deeply into it. I mean one could argue a connection to everyone being enslaved to USA Inc. and we're all born into being tax cattle for the FED. But why the symbology everywhere? Why the sacrifices? What do you guys think?
and the power of prayer will raise the vibration and break the stronghold?
I've heard similar theory
"Perfect love casts out all fear..." [1 John 4:18].
The Christ of God (Jesus) embodies God's perfect love.
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face..." [hymn by Helen H. Lemmel] (our whole attention, unmitigated)
Antifa, BLM, MSM & the haters want your attention and passion to be about fear & hate. God in Christ definitely changes the vibe. I'm not saying you should be physically defenseless BUT, put on the WHOLE armor of God [Ephesians 6:10-18] so that you do not hate - even if you have to physically and violently defend yourself and your loved ones...
I don't think you are looking too deeply at all. I believe this is why they want to keep us divided and talking about our divisions. If we came together and realized the power of our thoughts we can begin to bring the whole matrix down. Some people actually call it "loosh" - the energy/food they get from our stinking thinking and negative thoughts.
I believe in the hundredth monkey syndrome and I believe we are very near to that tipping point right now. The truth shall set us free.
It's loosh.
They need those lower, slower vibrations to survive.
We starve them by keeping our vibrations light and high.
In the original writing humans were the processing power to run the Matrix. They changed it to power because it was more easily digested. 22 years ago people weren't as familiar with networked computing maybe? I'm retarded anyways
The Reptilian overlords eat the energy, it's called "Loosh". That's why they want constant wars, to keep the buffet stocked with suffering, their favorite flavor.
No, not "what if the Cabal is farming psychic energy..." [they] ARE and have been for over 6,000 yrs.
The symbology behind it all has many roles, the chief among them being that the Cabal is forced, by God, to openly communicate [their] intentions on ALL things. But, God never told Lucifer he couldn't corrupt our knowledge base or our understanding of the universe we live in. So, [they] use the symbology for [their] own purposes, while also corrupting and hiding the knowledge needed for proper discernment of the truth. Which is why the "conspiracy theory" label came out at the advent of modern computing and info gathering/dissemination by the Clowns. In order to keep us "in check," [they] have to spin the knowledge in such a way that it denies us truth and also confirms [their] beliefs. It keeps us silent on crucial matters. After all, "Silence = Consent." If we're silent about [their] intentions, we consent to it. Ignorance of any subject or plan of [theirs] isn't an excuse. It's why we were given Free Will and the Power of Discernment. To use in our search for the truth.
What are they doing with all that energy? The globalists seem at least humanish to me with lifespans and susceptibility to disease just like normal people. So what does it do for them? I would love your take.
You are on the right track. Keep digging. This is one of those rabbit holes that will force you to process feelings of deep betrayal, and you have to decide if you are ready to see or not. I recommend this “easy” to process site of information for you would be humansarefree.com. Blessings on your journey. Those who know can’t sleep.
They even have a category on the matrix that you might like. https://humansarefree.com/category/the-matrix
I like to think it in this way, specially when you hear "it's going to be biblical", We were amazing beings, with much more powers in our brain and metaphysical world, but since thousand years they kept shaping a box around us, poisoned us with chemical food, radiation, and so many stuffs, until the point where we are now, social ID numbers useful just to pay taxes and please them as "master saviours of humanity", busy arguing between ourselves, busy thinking at work, debt, problems, going on a way to lose until our last minimal hope of faith of change, we reached almost the peak of a dark plan concepted by evil forces that goes back since probably mankind, good vs evil, win or die, either great awakening or great reset, all in this time.
We are being harvested for our energy. By the demonic dark side which is behind mankind the Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities powers in high places. The negative energy that antifa black lives matter and the cabal generate feed this evil force. One of the comments he says the power of prayer breaks this and has you operating on higher vibration to commune with The God who revealed himself to Israel and the world. It says do not be conformed to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, the mind does give off energy. Is it positive or negative.
Does this explain why they are so obsessed with accessing different dimensions ? Why they spent a gorillian dollars to build CERN with it's satanic ritual as it's opening ceremony ?
I think about this a lot when considering energies/vibrations. It helps tie into the loosh theory in that we are all constantly irritated and on edge. That prayers and hymns are meant to bring certain vibrations. Churches/prayer groups are energy meetings of people sharing the same frequency. That’s powerful.
Then we get into written language, words and SPELLing. I like the book Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk. Words can be deadly when used in a certain order.
100% I believe this.
Tesla factors into this somewhere.
Kek! Q mentioned this way back when. Hard to believe but true. He also told of of Jason Borne. NOT just a movie!
Thank you for the replies guys! At the end of the film Neo has a voice over and says,
"I believe deep down, we both want this world to change. I believe that the Matrix can remain our cage or it can become our chrysalis, that's what you helped me to understand. That to be free, you cannot change your cage. You have to change yourself.
"When I used to look out at this world, all I could see was its edges, its boundaries, its rules and controls, its leaders and laws. But now, I see another world. A different world where all things are possible. A world of hope. Of peace.
"I can't tell you how to get there, but I know if you can free your mind, you'll find the way."
Great film and after watching it makes me want to get back to eating clean. I always felt best on a meat and veg diet. Whatever is in store for us, I believe control over your life and what you consume is the first step. Godspeed Patriots!