I agree with you, and I remember it being debunked by anons, but perhaps you could provide the break down of why it’s fake?
And I don’t mean some snopes debunk, tell us what the anons determined back when it came out.
This thread would have been much more useful to the effect of debunking, rather than another shit post sliding the board.
So let’s hear it, what was the conclusion on the Michelle Notre Dame photos?
And perhaps that is just another form of as Q said putting fake news out to cover up the real story?
Was it a coincidence Michelle was in the area sipping on wine with her smug face?
Is it a coincidence that many of us believe Michelle and Co hate religion? And wish to burn it to the ground? Don’t most of us here agree that they hate America?
“Michelle was in Paris sipping wine when Notre Dame burned in that highly suspect fire story!”
It's real. The cropped picture is from a news article about the Obama's vacation. The burning of Notre Dame probably saved more people than we know. Satanist party was cancelled. After the burning, in another country, a number of churches were attacked. They got their sacrifices for that holiday.
We all saw it on TV and he/she was smiling and had an ebil.piece of jewelry on...np.larp... some of you have the memory and attention span of a 2 year old
OK, but she was in France that day on her book tour. In fact, she was in Paris sailing down the River Seine which is the river that flows right past the cathedral of Notre Dame.
She was so close both in space and time that her cruise had to be turned back because of the fire. Her cruise started at the Eiffel Tower.
Deep dive on your comment history shows you're a shill. 90% of your posts are negative whining. Maybe you're just an asshole, either way we don't want you here.
Oh please. Shill or not, he is right. People without critical thinking skills make this place look dumb and crazy and do far more damage than shills. But go ahead and call me a shill, lazy minded rube.
Dude just got banned and you're defending him? Whining for other people to be smart does nobody any good. There will always be crazy things posted to a board where anyone can post, you have to use your own critical thinking to believe it or not, not rely on us to do it for you.
Whining for other people to be smart. The fuck kind of sentence is that? Are you saying people shouldn't be called out on spreading false and stupid info? Absurd.
Making a post telling people to think critically is just spam. It does nothing. It doesn't convince anyone to do anything. It's just him stroking his own ego.
I agree with you, and I remember it being debunked by anons, but perhaps you could provide the break down of why it’s fake?
And I don’t mean some snopes debunk, tell us what the anons determined back when it came out.
This thread would have been much more useful to the effect of debunking, rather than another shit post sliding the board.
So let’s hear it, what was the conclusion on the Michelle Notre Dame photos?
And perhaps that is just another form of as Q said putting fake news out to cover up the real story?
Was it a coincidence Michelle was in the area sipping on wine with her smug face?
Is it a coincidence that many of us believe Michelle and Co hate religion? And wish to burn it to the ground? Don’t most of us here agree that they hate America?
“Michelle was in Paris sipping wine when Notre Dame burned in that highly suspect fire story!”
“Pshh nah that’s a conspiracy, it was debunked!”
The supposed bldg in the reflection appears to be all by itself. Nothing surrounding it if I remember correctly
The photo is in that news article you linked. If it's super cropped, call the dailymail. They should have the original.
It's real. The cropped picture is from a news article about the Obama's vacation. The burning of Notre Dame probably saved more people than we know. Satanist party was cancelled. After the burning, in another country, a number of churches were attacked. They got their sacrifices for that holiday.
We all saw it on TV and he/she was smiling and had an ebil.piece of jewelry on...np.larp... some of you have the memory and attention span of a 2 year old
OK, but she was in France that day on her book tour. In fact, she was in Paris sailing down the River Seine which is the river that flows right past the cathedral of Notre Dame.
She was so close both in space and time that her cruise had to be turned back because of the fire. Her cruise started at the Eiffel Tower.
you're allowed to take a hike.
Deep dive on your comment history shows you're a shill. 90% of your posts are negative whining. Maybe you're just an asshole, either way we don't want you here.
Oh please. Shill or not, he is right. People without critical thinking skills make this place look dumb and crazy and do far more damage than shills. But go ahead and call me a shill, lazy minded rube.
Dude just got banned and you're defending him? Whining for other people to be smart does nobody any good. There will always be crazy things posted to a board where anyone can post, you have to use your own critical thinking to believe it or not, not rely on us to do it for you.
Calling it out isn't relying on anything. I didn't defend him. Critical thinking in sorry supply, like I said.
Whining for other people to be smart. The fuck kind of sentence is that? Are you saying people shouldn't be called out on spreading false and stupid info? Absurd.
Making a post telling people to think critically is just spam. It does nothing. It doesn't convince anyone to do anything. It's just him stroking his own ego.