There's a lot to go through but I'll try with the main points and I hope I'm accurate with all of the details.
Basically there are mainly two versions of the Bible, those translated from the original codices, the main one being KJV, and those translated from Wescott and Hort, which is a translation from the Alexandrian manuscripts, the main one being NIV. They are vastly different and speak of a completely different God and Jesus when you go into the details of differences.
KJV also uses the weird English because the original languages were more specific than English was, so they invented words to use like thee, thou, and ye to replicate how specific it was, because it was important to understand exactly who was being addressed when things were spoken.
Kent Hovind will show you a bunch of comparisons between these two versions and will explain exactly why they are wrong and a deliberate (if not by the translator then by Satan) alteration of the Bible in order to deceive.
Hey if ur not someone else is reading this we will add on to your words or fix it. Its not about being right thanks for just being part of the dialogue. I started this post so we could start talking about it. If I just wanted my opinion I would just talk to my dog he always thinks I'm right love the little guy lol
Welcome to the discussion. Most people don't value unsubstantiated claims in discussion. Do you care to expound on your notion, or did you just want to state it and hope others believe you?
When it comes to religion everybody "believes" what the think is best.. not here to chsnge anyones mind just point out that kjv and many if not most bibles are not truly accurate.. scholars cant ever really agree on what many ancient words are from the bible they give a best guess
If you researched it, I think you'd be surprised how accurate KJV is to the original texts. There's a reason the English in KJV is unlike the English in any other book, words were invented in order to accurately translate.
Watch Kent Hovind's Creation Seminar Series. With what issues you have given me here, I am certain Kent Hovind's presentation will be more than satisfying for you, but it is extremely lengthy. It may take weeks to get through, but that's what it takes to understand the Bible.
As i said i pointed out just a couple issues with the kjv. And as i also pointed out everybody has an opinion and generally resistant to see any other view. I have an issue when you want me to look at your series but yet you choose to ignore mine.. nice chatting with you
A lot of the supposed contradictions go away when you look at the context of what was being written. It is easy to get lost in the minutae of individual texts, but by and large the narrative of the Bible and details remain consistent within the entire Bible.
Mark Twain commented, “It ain't the parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it's the parts that I do understand.”
I'd offer that instead of endlessly dissecting the Bible and looking for contradictions, if we simply read the New Testament and seek to live that out in our lives, the world will be a changed place.
The Bible and my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ have transformed me and my life from lost and prideful to humbled and living a life of purpose for others I encounter.
Does God give eternal salvation to people who are better at memorizing? Or those who are able to figure out the truth of what happened more than 2k years ago? Maybe Hebrew and Greek scholars have an easier time getting into heaven?
So what then is the point of the Bible?
In my mind, the point is simply to guide our spirits to Christ. The Bible contains morsels of truth, but is not "The Truth". It shows us some of the way, but it is not "The Way". If gives us echoes of life, but is not "The Life".
The Bible points us to Christ, and directs us to engage with him one-on-one. The Bible teaches us to pray, to seek, ask, and knock, and promises we will find, receive, and that the doors will be opened.
I don't want to get involved in discussion over whose Bible is better. Pick one, and read it, and pray about what you are reading. Use it as a tool to get closer to God. Don't worship it as if it were God, because it is not. It is, after all, just a book.
As for me, I prefer the King James Version. Why? Because I've read it my whole life. Give me a different Bible, and I'll feel weird reading it. But I understand why many people do not prefer the King James Version, and I only recommend it to them because its was by far the most popular version throughout our (modern) English-speaking history. Knowing the verses in the KJV will help you better connect to your ancestors who also used the KJV.
Other versions are good, and I appreciate that I can actually understand some of the more complicated verses in those versions. So I do not say "Don't read them!" Just don't get hung up on which version.
And the same goes for the stories. Don't get hung up on whether they are true or factual or not. That's not what they are for. Get from them what spiritual insight you can to draw closer to God. The Bible is going to read very differently as a child and as an adult. You are going to see Abraham differently when you are a grandpa than when you were a young man. The meaning of the stories will change too. At first you might say, "Don't be like those guys!" and later in life, "Why am I like these guys?" Or even, "It's so clear we should do X" and later you'll see, "Maybe X isn't the whole story, Perhaps X+Y is the right way." Don't get hung up on that sort of thing. Let the Bible provide a beautiful vista from which God will reveal his will to you at that moment!
The bible really does not contradict itself. There are subtle nuances that allow it to say certainly seemingly different things that are on the surface contradictory but if you unpack it and look at it and understand it, it's not. Let's take your do not judge and sitting with sinners. Sitting with sinners is hanging out and enjoying their evil ways and partaking in them. Judging is looking down upon them and ascribing yourself is better than them. Watch and understand their actions yes. Know that bad company can pollute good manners. It is good to ask such questions as you were doing
Thank u. I agree with u. So how do we prevent someone taking 1 line and making it the title of the book when other lines making it just a portion. It's like u shouldnt ne able to use bible unless u quote whole bible. I'm gonna give examples of Q to show what I mean because we all know Q way better as a group I feel. Q Ssay trust the plan and God wins and pray. But also that this is about preparing and being ready and the military is 100% in control and Someone could say hey let's all start a group together to start preparing and then someone else could say hey trust the plan. Both are right based of Q yet there could arguing. This happens with the bible as well.
Well I suppose the best defense about the Bible thing is to read and understand the exact passage that you're talking about, and having a good foundation is key. when someone takes something out of context and puts them next to each other to prove contradictions is really not looking to know the truth. But if you have a truth seeker wanting to take a passage one at a time it's good to have a discussion with multiple people to understand and to sort things out. I had one person hit me with so many supposed contradictions I took one and I broke it down and deconstructed it so we would be understandable but he would not be convinced and I did not continue the conversation because only argument would have been insued he wasn't really seeking the truth
Hey I get so much of this when talking to people. I know alot of times there not well intentioned when they do. But still I do my best to break it down. May I reach out to u if I have any questions
Interesting topic fren! I've been doing a LOT of soul-searching these past few months. The bible has always bothered me because of things it doesn't explain. Adam and Eve couldn't have been the only people on earth. Where did Cain's wife come from? Why were certain books 'officiated' but others, like the Book of Enoch - a man so holy God raptured him, not included?
I've heard some very interesting theories lately about Mirror World and religion. Theories that we were slaves in the 'garden of Eden' and the serpent not being Satan but Enki, who helped us to freedom. I think before this is all over, we are going to see how badly the cabal infiltrated and perverted everything we know. Please note, I still believe in God but I think the idea of a benevolent father figure painted in today's religions may be completely off the mark. Either that, or I'm watching too much Gaia.
The serpant being a freer of mankind is repackaged luciferianism for the uninitiated. You're watching too much gaia. All of new age philosophy stems from those same luciferians responsible for this mess - look at it for a while and you'll see the parrelels.
It can be read that there are two creation narratives in Genesis - that of Adam and the sixth day mankind creation. They are seemingly separate. That said, the bible is specifically addressing a bloodline through which salvation would eventually come to mankind (the offspring of Seth.) There are so many interesting details left out of this, but texts like the book of Enoch are definitely great supplements.
Hi fren. Yes, put down Gaia. I used to watch and it’s new age occult and will mislead you. The Bible is told in parables and is literary genius. When you start to connect the dots and themes it tells a bigger picture. Have you heard of the Bible project on YouTube? They give really great animated explanations to help understand better. But don’t rely solely on them. You need to pick it up and learn how to apply the Bible to your own life too. Hope this helped!
One Rabbi on the topic defined human beings as, among other things, those that have a moral consciousness. How do we know if they have a moral consciousness? If they left writing behind. That is... the Bible's concern is for people with some amount of literacy, not the pre-literate cultures. ("You don't like my definition?" he said. "My book, my definition."
How old does the Bible claim human history is? About 6,000 years. (Let's not get into the age of the Earth and if the six days of creation were 24 hour periods or million year periods, I'm sure you know that argument already)
How old is writing? As far as I know, close to the same age.
Could be Adam and Eve were some of the early pioneers of literacy.
But I admit, it's a bit of a wild guess.
Also, Adam and Eve had "sons and daughters" mentioned after the birth of Seth, so presumably Cain's wife came from one of them.... if we're talking, literally, the first people on Earth.
For the sake of convo can u post some for us to see how it works. I know I asked the question and usually I would agree that u should do ur own research but I'm trying to get dialogue going for the group not just myself. I will look up stuff bit was trying to crowd source it with our family here. Love u GOD WINS
Hey man, I am replying to you in another comment thread on this post, but I can clearly see you're thirsty for some Biblical truth. You will be very surprised by how much Kent Hovind has addressed, maybe not all in the video I linked to you, but he definitely has addressed even the Young's translation and his views on it, and he 's very reasonable and honest about his opinions.
If you have the time, I'm sure you will love watching through Kent Hovind's Creation Seminar Series, he touches on basically everything you could possibly want him to in that series. He defends absolutely everything about the faith, especially during his Questions & Answers segments at the end.
Here is a link to get started on that if you are interested, Kent Hovind has fired me up for God by giving me such exhaustive ammunition and I hope he does for you too!
Hey thank my friend. I will watch it. Right now it might sound bad but I'm not trying to answer anything just get a dialogue going so plz continue to join in
Awesome, well I seriously can't stress Kent Hovind's work enough to literally anyone having any questions about anything with the Bible. The guy is a force to be reckoned with and has made it his life work to prove the Bible's authenticity, and it is incredibly effective. You don't have to take his word for anything he says either, he has a doctorates in education so he knows how to actually present an argument and show you the evidence and explain the reasoning as well as address every counter-argument ever made against him.
He has an open challenge where he will pay anyone in the scientific community $1000 to debate him, and everyone refuses after a few took him up on it and were obliterated. He also has an open challenge where he will pay anyone I think $100,000 if they can present to him any singular piece of evidence that proves any type of evolution other than micro has occurred.
Kent Hovind addresses this exhaustively.
I will watch it but for the sake of this post and convo on this site can u point out some main points for us. Thanks friend
There's a lot to go through but I'll try with the main points and I hope I'm accurate with all of the details.
Basically there are mainly two versions of the Bible, those translated from the original codices, the main one being KJV, and those translated from Wescott and Hort, which is a translation from the Alexandrian manuscripts, the main one being NIV. They are vastly different and speak of a completely different God and Jesus when you go into the details of differences.
KJV also uses the weird English because the original languages were more specific than English was, so they invented words to use like thee, thou, and ye to replicate how specific it was, because it was important to understand exactly who was being addressed when things were spoken.
Kent Hovind will show you a bunch of comparisons between these two versions and will explain exactly why they are wrong and a deliberate (if not by the translator then by Satan) alteration of the Bible in order to deceive.
Hey if ur not someone else is reading this we will add on to your words or fix it. Its not about being right thanks for just being part of the dialogue. I started this post so we could start talking about it. If I just wanted my opinion I would just talk to my dog he always thinks I'm right love the little guy lol
Definitely, they couldn't attack his message, because attempting to do so only made his message stronger, so they attacked everything else about him.
KJV only New age bible translations - why they should not be trusted
Kjv is far from accurate translation of original texts
Welcome to the discussion. Most people don't value unsubstantiated claims in discussion. Do you care to expound on your notion, or did you just want to state it and hope others believe you?
When it comes to religion everybody "believes" what the think is best.. not here to chsnge anyones mind just point out that kjv and many if not most bibles are not truly accurate.. scholars cant ever really agree on what many ancient words are from the bible they give a best guess
If you researched it, I think you'd be surprised how accurate KJV is to the original texts. There's a reason the English in KJV is unlike the English in any other book, words were invented in order to accurately translate.
Watch Kent Hovind's Creation Seminar Series. With what issues you have given me here, I am certain Kent Hovind's presentation will be more than satisfying for you, but it is extremely lengthy. It may take weeks to get through, but that's what it takes to understand the Bible.
I actually use the interlinear to study the bible.. but i am guessing you didnt look at video i presented
Ok and I'm guessing you didn't watch the video series I presented. If you have an argument I'll be more than willing to entertain it.
As i said i pointed out just a couple issues with the kjv. And as i also pointed out everybody has an opinion and generally resistant to see any other view. I have an issue when you want me to look at your series but yet you choose to ignore mine.. nice chatting with you
Interesting read...
Watch "Series 2, Part 1, Creation of the Hebrew Alphabet and Quantum Computing." on YouTube
A lot of the supposed contradictions go away when you look at the context of what was being written. It is easy to get lost in the minutae of individual texts, but by and large the narrative of the Bible and details remain consistent within the entire Bible. Mark Twain commented, “It ain't the parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it's the parts that I do understand.” I'd offer that instead of endlessly dissecting the Bible and looking for contradictions, if we simply read the New Testament and seek to live that out in our lives, the world will be a changed place. The Bible and my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ have transformed me and my life from lost and prideful to humbled and living a life of purpose for others I encounter.
My take on it all:
Why do we even read the Bible at all?
Does God give eternal salvation to people who are better at memorizing? Or those who are able to figure out the truth of what happened more than 2k years ago? Maybe Hebrew and Greek scholars have an easier time getting into heaven?
So what then is the point of the Bible?
In my mind, the point is simply to guide our spirits to Christ. The Bible contains morsels of truth, but is not "The Truth". It shows us some of the way, but it is not "The Way". If gives us echoes of life, but is not "The Life".
The Bible points us to Christ, and directs us to engage with him one-on-one. The Bible teaches us to pray, to seek, ask, and knock, and promises we will find, receive, and that the doors will be opened.
I don't want to get involved in discussion over whose Bible is better. Pick one, and read it, and pray about what you are reading. Use it as a tool to get closer to God. Don't worship it as if it were God, because it is not. It is, after all, just a book.
As for me, I prefer the King James Version. Why? Because I've read it my whole life. Give me a different Bible, and I'll feel weird reading it. But I understand why many people do not prefer the King James Version, and I only recommend it to them because its was by far the most popular version throughout our (modern) English-speaking history. Knowing the verses in the KJV will help you better connect to your ancestors who also used the KJV.
Other versions are good, and I appreciate that I can actually understand some of the more complicated verses in those versions. So I do not say "Don't read them!" Just don't get hung up on which version.
And the same goes for the stories. Don't get hung up on whether they are true or factual or not. That's not what they are for. Get from them what spiritual insight you can to draw closer to God. The Bible is going to read very differently as a child and as an adult. You are going to see Abraham differently when you are a grandpa than when you were a young man. The meaning of the stories will change too. At first you might say, "Don't be like those guys!" and later in life, "Why am I like these guys?" Or even, "It's so clear we should do X" and later you'll see, "Maybe X isn't the whole story, Perhaps X+Y is the right way." Don't get hung up on that sort of thing. Let the Bible provide a beautiful vista from which God will reveal his will to you at that moment!
YES! exactly how I feel about the Bible too. It’s meant to bring you closer to God. It’s a tool to enhance your faith and grow spiritually.
The bible really does not contradict itself. There are subtle nuances that allow it to say certainly seemingly different things that are on the surface contradictory but if you unpack it and look at it and understand it, it's not. Let's take your do not judge and sitting with sinners. Sitting with sinners is hanging out and enjoying their evil ways and partaking in them. Judging is looking down upon them and ascribing yourself is better than them. Watch and understand their actions yes. Know that bad company can pollute good manners. It is good to ask such questions as you were doing
Thank u. I agree with u. So how do we prevent someone taking 1 line and making it the title of the book when other lines making it just a portion. It's like u shouldnt ne able to use bible unless u quote whole bible. I'm gonna give examples of Q to show what I mean because we all know Q way better as a group I feel. Q Ssay trust the plan and God wins and pray. But also that this is about preparing and being ready and the military is 100% in control and Someone could say hey let's all start a group together to start preparing and then someone else could say hey trust the plan. Both are right based of Q yet there could arguing. This happens with the bible as well.
Well I suppose the best defense about the Bible thing is to read and understand the exact passage that you're talking about, and having a good foundation is key. when someone takes something out of context and puts them next to each other to prove contradictions is really not looking to know the truth. But if you have a truth seeker wanting to take a passage one at a time it's good to have a discussion with multiple people to understand and to sort things out. I had one person hit me with so many supposed contradictions I took one and I broke it down and deconstructed it so we would be understandable but he would not be convinced and I did not continue the conversation because only argument would have been insued he wasn't really seeking the truth
Hey I get so much of this when talking to people. I know alot of times there not well intentioned when they do. But still I do my best to break it down. May I reach out to u if I have any questions
I'm actually a Bible student I'm doing some Hebrew scholar work as well but I mostly proficient in theology. And I'd be happy to help
I don't check it everyday but here's my email if you'd like it
Thank u I wrote ur username and email down in my notebook for safe keeping. Can I ask where ur from as well
I was raised in Texas but currently at the moment reside in Arizona
Interesting topic fren! I've been doing a LOT of soul-searching these past few months. The bible has always bothered me because of things it doesn't explain. Adam and Eve couldn't have been the only people on earth. Where did Cain's wife come from? Why were certain books 'officiated' but others, like the Book of Enoch - a man so holy God raptured him, not included?
I've heard some very interesting theories lately about Mirror World and religion. Theories that we were slaves in the 'garden of Eden' and the serpent not being Satan but Enki, who helped us to freedom. I think before this is all over, we are going to see how badly the cabal infiltrated and perverted everything we know. Please note, I still believe in God but I think the idea of a benevolent father figure painted in today's religions may be completely off the mark. Either that, or I'm watching too much Gaia.
The serpant being a freer of mankind is repackaged luciferianism for the uninitiated. You're watching too much gaia. All of new age philosophy stems from those same luciferians responsible for this mess - look at it for a while and you'll see the parrelels.
It can be read that there are two creation narratives in Genesis - that of Adam and the sixth day mankind creation. They are seemingly separate. That said, the bible is specifically addressing a bloodline through which salvation would eventually come to mankind (the offspring of Seth.) There are so many interesting details left out of this, but texts like the book of Enoch are definitely great supplements.
Hi fren. Yes, put down Gaia. I used to watch and it’s new age occult and will mislead you. The Bible is told in parables and is literary genius. When you start to connect the dots and themes it tells a bigger picture. Have you heard of the Bible project on YouTube? They give really great animated explanations to help understand better. But don’t rely solely on them. You need to pick it up and learn how to apply the Bible to your own life too. Hope this helped!
A couple answers that may or may not help you....
One Rabbi on the topic defined human beings as, among other things, those that have a moral consciousness. How do we know if they have a moral consciousness? If they left writing behind. That is... the Bible's concern is for people with some amount of literacy, not the pre-literate cultures. ("You don't like my definition?" he said. "My book, my definition."
How old does the Bible claim human history is? About 6,000 years. (Let's not get into the age of the Earth and if the six days of creation were 24 hour periods or million year periods, I'm sure you know that argument already)
How old is writing? As far as I know, close to the same age.
Could be Adam and Eve were some of the early pioneers of literacy.
But I admit, it's a bit of a wild guess.
Also, Adam and Eve had "sons and daughters" mentioned after the birth of Seth, so presumably Cain's wife came from one of them.... if we're talking, literally, the first people on Earth.
When I find something contradictory, I refer to Young's Literal Translation. Everything else is an "interpretation" of sorts, hence the differences.
For the sake of convo can u post some for us to see how it works. I know I asked the question and usually I would agree that u should do ur own research but I'm trying to get dialogue going for the group not just myself. I will look up stuff bit was trying to crowd source it with our family here. Love u GOD WINS
Hey man, I am replying to you in another comment thread on this post, but I can clearly see you're thirsty for some Biblical truth. You will be very surprised by how much Kent Hovind has addressed, maybe not all in the video I linked to you, but he definitely has addressed even the Young's translation and his views on it, and he 's very reasonable and honest about his opinions.
If you have the time, I'm sure you will love watching through Kent Hovind's Creation Seminar Series, he touches on basically everything you could possibly want him to in that series. He defends absolutely everything about the faith, especially during his Questions & Answers segments at the end.
Here is a link to get started on that if you are interested, Kent Hovind has fired me up for God by giving me such exhaustive ammunition and I hope he does for you too!
Hey thank my friend. I will watch it. Right now it might sound bad but I'm not trying to answer anything just get a dialogue going so plz continue to join in
Awesome, well I seriously can't stress Kent Hovind's work enough to literally anyone having any questions about anything with the Bible. The guy is a force to be reckoned with and has made it his life work to prove the Bible's authenticity, and it is incredibly effective. You don't have to take his word for anything he says either, he has a doctorates in education so he knows how to actually present an argument and show you the evidence and explain the reasoning as well as address every counter-argument ever made against him.
He has an open challenge where he will pay anyone in the scientific community $1000 to debate him, and everyone refuses after a few took him up on it and were obliterated. He also has an open challenge where he will pay anyone I think $100,000 if they can present to him any singular piece of evidence that proves any type of evolution other than micro has occurred.
anything about the Geneva Bible? was it changed too?
Hey thanks for that. Can u pick ur top 3 craziest and post them
KJV for personal study, and ESV for sharing with others who are new to the Bible or would be deterred by the old English.
ESV is an extremely good retranslation, it just mostly doesn't have the specific addresses (thee, thy, thou, ye) that KJV has.
A few articles:
Removed. Low quality. WARNING. Please join the discussion in the main daily thread. Thank you for understanding.
Not a problem will take it over to our new sub community just trying to start dialogue and it's still new over there. Love u fren