posted ago by Nipplepotemus ago by Nipplepotemus +13 / -0

UPDATE: I assumed everyone saw it by now, but for those who haven't noticed, if you hover your mouse over the "Create a Post" button to the right, the message from Q saying "You are mainstream" is made up of black, red, blue and green letters... I figured it was a puzzle in good old fashioned Q style...

UPDATE 2: Apparently if you are on a phone, you cannot see the puzzle... Try logging in on a Computer when you get a chance if you want to see it...

I've been trying to figure it out for a while... Here's what I got so far...

I've eliminated the Red and the Blue letters, as I think they are useless... I believe they are there to throw you off, representing the partisan sides of politics...

Since Trump is represented by Pepe/Kek, which is green, then the green letters I suspect are what we are after...

I got "mdehtk1!" or if we apply the mirror it could also be "!1kthedm", using only the most prominent green letters... I've ignored the bleed over, which is confusing...

Anyway I did this back when we were all talking about D5 and the Sicilian Defense in Chess.

I searched both in duck duck go and came to this special search page (which doesn't come up now but luckily I book marked it) https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=mdehtk1%21&title=Special%3ASearch&profile=default&fulltext=1&ns0=1

It was originally populated with a bunch of results (I wish I had have made this post back then), but now no results show up... One result caught my eye "Chess Opening Theory" here: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Chess_Opening_Theory

Then I noticed it said "White's first move is 1.e4" so I clicked the link "1. e4 - King's Pawn Opening" (I had no idea why I was doing any of this... Just following familiar things I guess) which took me here: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Chess_Opening_Theory/1._e4

At this point I noticed that D5 is the Scandinavian Defense, not the Sicilian Defense... So I clicked "1...d5 - Scandinavian Defence" which brought me here: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Chess_Opening_Theory/1._e4/1...d5

At that point I had a headache and figured I would get back to it later... I'm not sure if it means anything, but it was an interesting coincidence... Could it be that Trump's moves represent maneuvering the Black Hats Scandinavian Defense? Let me know what you think and if you can add to it or if it was just a fun little coincidence...