Merkel's Climate Crisis Takes An Interesting Twist as Germany's Solar Output Fails Under Heavy Snowfall - Replaced with Coal and Nat Gas
? These people are stupid!

Remember, this is why they changed from "Global Warning" to "Climate Change"
They changed the PR term, but they are still preaching that we should change our entire lifestyle for the worst because their models show the temperature increasing 2 degrees in a hundred years. So "warming" is still the issue.
To be honest "climate change" is far more accurate anyway, the climate does indeed change over time and we're still technically coming out of the previous ice age with a sun that is steadily brightening. The question is how much of it really can be blamed on human activity and in my opinion it's the height of hubris to think that we can engineer it to our liking rather than focusing on adapting to changing conditions. I'm all for reducing oil consumption a bit if only to extend how long we have access to the more easily extracted sources as we use it for a lot more than just fuel.
considering there were ice sheets 2 miles thick down to London and considering before that there we alligators in Sweden I would say the datum point is so wide that it's almost impossible to tell.
you want to measure 1mm of movement with a super sensitive mercury switch, on the decks of a container ship that's in 30ft seas in the roaring forties....
good luck with that.....
Agreed that "Climate Change" is accurate when describing the naturally occuring phenomenon. The point is neither "Global Warming" or "Climate Change" as used by main stream is referring to this. Its a propaganda narrative that implies this is done by humans, especially the average Joes, especially the average Joes that they want to hate on at the moment.
The fact they change the name from Global Warming to Climate Change was not to reflect reality, but rather because their initial propaganda got caught out and people started calling it out and I always found this funny how thick skinned these people are.
Wanna provide some sauce for that assertion?
I live right in the center of the area you mention, mid Michigan. It has actually been a pretty mild winter until the last week or so. The Great Lakes have less than 10% ice coverage which is way below historical averages. The snowbelt regions of Michigan, areas that measure annual snowfall in the 10s of feet, have 18 inches on the ground even with warmer than normal lakes. (May be more now. I havent been up north to the cabin in 3 weeks and this cold wave undoubtedly has turned on the snow machine due to warm water and no ice.)
Four or five winters ago we had at least 10 nights below -30. The only time in my 55 years living here I have seen it dip below -15. On perfectly cloudless days I saw diamond dust. Diamond dust is where any residual moisture in the air freezes spontaneously and falls as a light super tiny crystalline snow that reflects the sun like diamonds. Only time in my life I saw this phenomena here. It has to be really, really cold to do this. Like Arctic cold. That year the Great Lakes achieved 100% ice coverage.
This year not so much. I am a concrete contractor. When the ground freezes we can not pour concrete outside. This season we poured driveways the first week of January. Way outside the norms.
So please show me where this is "the coldest winter...in over 30 years" because someone who has lived here for 55 years just isnt seeing it.
Berlin On The Brink! Winter Blackouts Loom As Coal Plants Run At 100% Capacity, Struggle To Keep Lights On In
thanks.. I chopped up my wording there, but we're in agreement.