Day 2 Peach Mints - Mods - Can We Get A Sticky???
Good morning, Patriots. I hope you are well rested and ready to spear-head this Day 2! It was a pleasure being in your company yesterday and a comfort when I felt things might not be going the best directions.
The Senate will be kicking off the proceedings today at 12 EST.
How is everyone feeling this morning????
Keep in mind that this is nothing more than political theater but these swamp rat fucks have gotten away with their crimes for so many decades that they believe they can do and say anything but I have a strong feeling that this bogus impeachment trial will end up backfiring on them big time.
Remember how Trump plays the game, just think about that. Trump lets the enemy think they are winning and waits until the perfect time to strike to win. I would say this impeachment will be mostly boring until Friday or Saturday but there is a big reason for Trump allowing it to continue.
Even some Trump haters that might watch some of this will notice how vile and hateful the swamp rats are being towards Trump and anyone that supports Trump. They will begin to wonder why the hate is so much. Many Trump haters just believe he's a bad guy and wants him out of office.
Even many Trump haters will see how fucked up mentally these swamp rats are and then they will begin to finally use their brains and think. That is what the DS and swamp rats do not want. They want to stop their sheep from thinking because once those people begin thinking then their opens begin to open to the true reality.
Once they see bits and pieces of the true reality, human nature dictates they will become curious and want to see what is really going on. Then they will explore a little bit and see alternate opinions to the MSM garbage. They will see that although DJT is far from perfect, they will see that he was a president that fought for the American people.
They will forget about his grab em by the pussy remark and anything else because nobody's perfect. They will begin to see some of the lies from the MSM and the swamp. Once they see a few of the lies exposed then even the most brainwashed of liberal will begin to wonder, if this was a lie then what else was a lie.
They will begin their journey down the rabbit hole of reality and truth. They don't need to learn all about the cabal and all the sick shit going on. They just need to learn that they have been lied to, used, abused, thrown away, by those in power that they believed for there to help them, protect them, keep them safe.
Once that happens, there's no turning back. We'll never agree on everything with people and that's how it should be. Differing opinions are good for society but once those eyes are open to the truth, well that old saying goes the truth will set you free.
Once free, they will no longer hate everyone, they will begin to love life again. All of those brainwashed may need time to adjust to the actual reality of things in the world but once they do, we will be able to be the happy human race that we used to be.
It's in our core nature to be kind, to help, to socialize, to be friendly. This hate is fake because it was created by the DS, pushed by MSM, furthered by politics, etc. The 1st few days of this impeachment bullshit will be just political theater. These swamp rat scum fucks have been at the top for so long that they've forgotten what reality looks like and they will fall.
Some may go to prison, some may be executed, some may be allowed to resign and retire and go away but they will all fall from power over the next several months.
I LOVE your posts! Thank you so much for all you contribute, Pede.
Thanks. I could post a lot more but I always felt one of the reasons for Q and such was to get people researching things on their own. Drop some crumbs, enough to gain interest to get people curious.
I could sit here and type and tell things from history that date back past 5,000 years ago that are extremely relevant today but telling people things is not the same as getting them interested enough to find the information on their own.
I'm not one to typically just believe everything I hear or read unless I already know it or if it's from a trusted source. I'll throw this out here and see who has interest in it.
This goes back at least 5,000 years and is 100% directly connected to us today, in our everyday life. Take out a dollar bill and look on the back of it and you will see the pyramid of power. Its history goes as far back as 3,000BC, a Babylonian symbol as part of the pyramid of power.
I believe eventually things like crypto currency will take over, if anything partly to be rid of that old and evil ancient past of those at the top of the pyramid of power that doesn't even see us as human but as tools to help them achieve goals, to some of those elite even as food, literally.
It goes so deep. This impeachment trial is relevant because these layers of corruption and crime have to be peeled back one by one.
It's so crazy. I do actually know exactly what you are talking about. I went to Catholic school and was raised as such. When I learned about the Knights Templar and the Masons - OF COURSE I was interested. So I started looking into all the clues "they left" and, like every 90s punk ass kid, I went through that rebellion from religious upbringing phase where I dabbled in the occult and then I started seeing connections. EVERYWHERE. The all seeing eye. The symbolism. Back to the Egypt and more. It's all connected.
Yea, at 1st it was believed to be a pyramid from Egypt but it went way further. Babylon went further back than estimated or at least some of its ancient pyramids. Around 1,000 years ago Babylon was left to crumble but guess where those ancient ruins are? They're in Iraq and Iraq played a larger role than most realized.
In the year 2,000, there were only 7 countries remaining that did not have a Rothschild owned or controlled central bank. They are Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea, Iran. Good ole traitor Bush that likely played a role in what actually happened on 9/11 then had the excuse to invade Iraq under a complete lie of weapons of mass destruction that never existed.
Fast forward to 2011, there were 3 remaining countries without a Rothschild central bank. Those 3 countries were Cuba, North Korea, Iran. Remember Obama undoing things, making it possible to visit Cuba? Of course Obama wanted the DS to have access to Cuba to try and infect their banking system. They tried this under JFK also but failed back then.
They tried starting a war with North Korea but then came Trump and made peace with North Korea. North Korea is a bad place but they did not want to attack us, they had bad information and a lack of good information.
Iran began popping up on the news a lot after the election because why? Trump seemingly was defeated and the DS had a president of their choice back that would assume power and continue their plans. It's such a long game going back hundreds of years for some families and for some secret societies going back thousands of years.
These secret societies change their names when needed and go back into the shadows like the trash that they are. They then patiently wait and pull strings from the shadows to keep on going with their long game. It's gone on for thousands of years but people have to give a shit about history to know any of this.
We can openly discuss this because we are nobody to them. If someone of fame and power talks about it, they often end up dead by different means. Future proves past, looking at the past makes the future which is the present become far more clear.
I agree that Trump is easily going to win this trial but there are some who will never forget the “grab them” remark.
Those people will just have to grow up and get over it because something said in private that was just a statement does not impact how a person can govern. At least Trump doesn't grab and sniff every kid in sight like Biden.
I have an aunt who is literally hung up on that very thing. Whenever we mention politics (most of us are Trump fans) she gets all pissed off. One of these days I’ll have to ask if she prefers cannibalistic pedophiles over an honest guy.
qdrop 3850 is the only thing keeping me sane right now
Just remember that Q has been proven time and time again to be accurate and legitimate so things will get better, much better.
Yeah but i just worry that they can or may have already been defeated. I have no doubt they were legit. But sometimes it's hard to keep faith the plan is still in motion. But gotta keep focused on the Myanmar activity, the resignations and qdrop 577!!