When did they off him? Besides the face comparisons, he made a remarkable recovering from that broken foot and his typical shuffling around to what we saw bound up the helicopter steps.
40% of Americans have the wool pulled so tight over their eyes, that ripping it off too quickly would give them a traumatic head injury. People need to see things unfolding the way they are.
His specialty is mass psyops + close associate of John Alexander + (temple of set founder) Michael Aquino - they collaborated on 'From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory' [which] 'presented a Nietzschean scheme for waging perpetual psychological warfare against friend and enemy populations alike, and even against the American people...
I take it you arent in uniform or from a mil family. There is a phrase - "hurry up and wait".
Combat for the vast majority of war is long bouts (usually of boredom), followed by brief periods of intense (and usually horrifying) activity. However you gotta be ready for that activity to happen at a pin drop. Hence hurry up! And wait....
I've always pictured operators working their ass off behind the scenes for 4 straight years to pull this off. We don't get to see a LOT. But imagine realizing you can't 100% trust any military branch, so you make your own from the ground up and name them Space Force Guardians! BOSS AF!
The military should conduct a poll on how they should off Xiden.
And they're playing make-believe POTUS in a make-believe white house on a movie set, right? Right!
What do you back this claim up with? 2 americas?
Source on the 'new republic becoming active 01/01/21?
okay you're right let's just believe some rando on the internet because it feels good
It's annoying paying two mortgages for a while, but it sure makes moving easier!
When did they off him? Besides the face comparisons, he made a remarkable recovering from that broken foot and his typical shuffling around to what we saw bound up the helicopter steps.
Biden has a twin brother. I'm not sure I believe this theory at all.
why wouldn't Trump just say - hey - YOU AIN'T PRESIDENT!!!! IF he knew Biden was 'dead'
40% of Americans have the wool pulled so tight over their eyes, that ripping it off too quickly would give them a traumatic head injury. People need to see things unfolding the way they are.
and told him to terrify the American people with all his EOs???
It's true that American internet systems have been hijacked.
Everybody from CiA to Israel are involved in trying to topple the United States using the internet.
Google and Facebook and maybe Twitter were founded by government intel agencies.
Twitter is 100% CIA and that was I think proven like 5 or 6 years ago.
Including Vallely?
His specialty is mass psyops + close associate of John Alexander + (temple of set founder) Michael Aquino - they collaborated on 'From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory' [which] 'presented a Nietzschean scheme for waging perpetual psychological warfare against friend and enemy populations alike, and even against the American people...
http://www.mindpowernews.com/MindWar.htm MindWar/ How Military PsyOps Plan to Control your Mind .
Thanks I'll check this out now.
Peace on ya
I just wish the Military would go ahead and ACT. What are we waiting for?
I️ highly doubt they're sitting around doing nothing. 99.9% of this entire movement is probably going to happen behind the scenes.
I take it you arent in uniform or from a mil family. There is a phrase - "hurry up and wait".
Combat for the vast majority of war is long bouts (usually of boredom), followed by brief periods of intense (and usually horrifying) activity. However you gotta be ready for that activity to happen at a pin drop. Hence hurry up! And wait....
For Sure. Thank you for the wake up call. I'm holding the line.
I've always pictured operators working their ass off behind the scenes for 4 straight years to pull this off. We don't get to see a LOT. But imagine realizing you can't 100% trust any military branch, so you make your own from the ground up and name them Space Force Guardians! BOSS AF!
The Army of Northern Virginia. Inneresting.
Also was part of jsoc
Please be true! Please be true! Please be true!
Wow! That was an incredibly specific clip. Lots and lots to unpack.
No matter who Q is, they are owed an incredible debt of gratitude!
800 Q and Biden and O)Bama didn't know
I bet they run internet through military servers so white hate and patriots get the dirt instead of the cabal
Thus = space force
Will end internet based juman trafficking