Seems bizarre that " 15,000 people" have signed up for a new pillow, sharing tweets for a company that is in name only, no actual business plan, no product, no production BUT his parents are so proud....
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Leftest need to lay their head on a pillow too. It would be impossible for them to have good dreams on My Pillow. ??
He's gonna offer them in flavors for pillow biters...
So I heard from a Fren any/how.
Let’s light it up with shit reviews. This instant my head hit this pillow my smugness grew two sizes
I forget which Pede I saw this from, but my favorite meme was the Deep State receiving GITMO DREAMS sheets for their prison cell beds. Top kek! :D
his slogan, "just like the pillow i scream into at night"
Replace scream into with bite and you'll have a winner on your hands :)
He get right on that business plan after he finishes the Avocado toast his Mom made him
M80 buried deep inside each pillow. Design under review.
Removed. Low quality. WARNING. Please join the discussion in the main daily thread. Thank you for understanding.