24 Bizarre just got bizarrer... Tunnels below the White house, 3 m.o. to 60 y.o. inmates, torture chambers and lab... enough to make grown up war veterans cry and vomit their guts at the same time. (rumble.com) ? SHITPOST ? posted 4 years ago by penisse 4 years ago by penisse +28 / -4 14 comments share 14 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Simon Parkes? Take no notice of this clown.
Me too..When Simon says, I don't listen...
Yup as soon as he mentioned Parks, I turned off. It's difficult to trust Parks in any way imo. Date fagged to hell and nadda, nothing.
He is a deliberate misinformation agent used to discredit Anons.My opinion only.Good sign that Anons are a threat to their control.
Could also be an opportunistic troll.
If I were Antifa I'd be having a lot of fun trying to peddle the most insane nonsense and making money off of it.
I would also lack the brainpower to pull it off successfully though.
He had me right up to the point of epstein being escorted to DC and getting away from 2 secret service agents then All credibility evaporated. Why take him to DC at all, a Live video feed from Wherever he was held would have sufficed.
It wasn't just me, then? Good to know!
All credibility evaporated when he mentioned Simon Parkes was joining him.
Highly questionable, even for the cabal.
Makes more sense to commit such crimes detached from direct traceability (e.g. not under the White House), if only for plausible deniability.
dOnAtE tO mY pAyPaL
You said it correctly! Everybody, take notice.
another assertion that terrible things were allowed under the WH all the time Trump was there?
Believability scale = zero.