What are they trying to accomplish here? Saying that the Army allowed a Satanist in their ranks so the Air Force can't address the so called extremism in their ranks?
My take is this, those of us in the military like to baffle the shit out of civilians by using our own lexicon and pretending to let them in on "secrets" that really aren't. More so with politicians. The "Stand down" the AF told the politicians they'd do is what? To ground all aircraft and operations so they could have a "talk" with all the airmen? No, certainly all the NCOs will give a little speech one morning before everyone goes off to do their daily job and they'll call it done.
Idk what they’re trying to accomplish. Maybe distancing from what’s coming? Idk. All I know is that at some point, those in the military will have to make a choice, as will we all.
Pretty sure Aquino would put on his prissy red hooded satin gown, get all his witch and warlock members together around an altar with a goat headed freak statue sitting on it and say "let the purge begin" then proceed to chant some nonsensical bullshit about loyalty to satan/lucifer/baphomet/ or whatever they call that detestable idol of theirs.
Is that stuff about Aquino on the original letter or is it shopped? Aquino was an evil man and if people like that are who is in control then we are lost. One hopes NSA has been purged of all his ilk by now. I read somewhere he claimed to have been secretly promoted to General. Ick.
Oh yeah he was a real gem. Look up the Kay Griggs interview where she talks for hours about the things her husband was involved with in the Navy. Maybe I'll find a link. The military was very heavily infiltrated by evil people. I hope Trump cleaned house, with bleach and FIRE.
Everytime I read or hear "muh democracy" I know it's the enemy talking.
"This is very dangerous to our democracy" must be some fucking ritual chant cuz they say those exact words all the time.
What are they trying to accomplish here? Saying that the Army allowed a Satanist in their ranks so the Air Force can't address the so called extremism in their ranks?
My take is this, those of us in the military like to baffle the shit out of civilians by using our own lexicon and pretending to let them in on "secrets" that really aren't. More so with politicians. The "Stand down" the AF told the politicians they'd do is what? To ground all aircraft and operations so they could have a "talk" with all the airmen? No, certainly all the NCOs will give a little speech one morning before everyone goes off to do their daily job and they'll call it done.
Idk what they’re trying to accomplish. Maybe distancing from what’s coming? Idk. All I know is that at some point, those in the military will have to make a choice, as will we all.
Dude looks like a lady.
He does look very estrogenic for a male. Must be possessed by a Legion of demons. Imagine being possessed by diferent entities.
Like many things, I wonder if this is part of the Great Awakening or the Great Reset. I can see this working both ways.
Either way I just hope I have the next 4 years ro be set up outside the system. Off grid with or without Starlink.
Pretty sure Aquino would put on his prissy red hooded satin gown, get all his witch and warlock members together around an altar with a goat headed freak statue sitting on it and say "let the purge begin" then proceed to chant some nonsensical bullshit about loyalty to satan/lucifer/baphomet/ or whatever they call that detestable idol of theirs.
But I could be wrong.
Best reply yet.
Why would you stamp the date on a printed document.....
Same fella with same name OR HE is a Devil Worshiper
Aquino founded the Temple Of Set and was close friends with Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan. Dig.
Aquino looks like a fag in makeup.
Imagine a military with no patriotism...
Is that stuff about Aquino on the original letter or is it shopped? Aquino was an evil man and if people like that are who is in control then we are lost. One hopes NSA has been purged of all his ilk by now. I read somewhere he claimed to have been secretly promoted to General. Ick.
No the original letter is the top, I memed the two bottom to it.
The Aquino pics are true, to be clear.
Oh yeah he was a real gem. Look up the Kay Griggs interview where she talks for hours about the things her husband was involved with in the Navy. Maybe I'll find a link. The military was very heavily infiltrated by evil people. I hope Trump cleaned house, with bleach and FIRE.
That's a chick.
What the fuck is this?
Research the man, you’ll be shocked.
Just like a shitload of kids and their families were
Is he a fag?
He was a satanist and created the Temple Of Set. They do not look at sexuality in terms of gay and straight. Dig.
He was involved in mind control and basically every terrible thing you can imagine. He ended up in NSA. I hope he rots in Hell.