Well given that I'm still alive/uninfected despite having lived life as normally as possible (and that includes multi-state travel) I'd say no mask can be pretty darn effective too
When I was a quaritine for testing positive I needed to get groceries to eat but didnt have the money to pay an app to get someone else to drop off my groceries at the door so I had to shop myself. I wore two masks just to be helpful. This was in december. I still have the texts to my boss explaining I'm bad at quaritine but getting a lot of errands done I normally dont cause im busy at work but im wearing 2 masks when i go in public lol. Glad I understand the logic of this stupidity.
Wearing a single mask and putting a clear garbage bag over your head and duct taped to your neck is the safest way to be. I suggest everyone get their garbage bags and gorilla duck tape today.
I feel like the video with the doc blowing vapor smoke or his mask might have gotten around enough to cause some bumps. This explanation is hilarious. They suggest “tucking” in some format. Oh the joys of cross contamination they just opened up to their still compliant sheeple or the fearlings. Afraid of punishment or “plague” enough to comply.
A logical mind could conclude their prior research insufficient for their prior claims... if one was capable of free thinking.
Chinese researchers have found that being dead makes you immune from the effects of the virus.
Personally, I would kindly advise you not to wear any!
More effective than what ? Doubling down on the fear? Giving you bacterial pneumonia ?
Seriously though, does this restrict your o2 intake? This is weird.
Clearly doesn't restrict the bullshit intake. God help us!
A thick plastic bag and big rubber band should give them even security.
And here we are: https://archive.vn/8lGbO
Does anyone still read the CDC site anymore?
Bullshit. Just another narrative change meant to justify [their] slavery based lockdowns and edicts.
It would be even more effective at causing bacterial pneumonia - that's obvious.
The 1918 pandemic deaths were mostly due to that type of pneumonia, not the flu.
Worked so well back then, why not do the same stupid shit 100 years later? Demoncraps are so incredibly stupid...
Let's say it is 0% effective. (Honestly I think it actually helps get the virus, and is in the negative % but I digress)
0% times 2 is still 0%.
So I guess they aren't wrong?
Well given that I'm still alive/uninfected despite having lived life as normally as possible (and that includes multi-state travel) I'd say no mask can be pretty darn effective too
When I was a quaritine for testing positive I needed to get groceries to eat but didnt have the money to pay an app to get someone else to drop off my groceries at the door so I had to shop myself. I wore two masks just to be helpful. This was in december. I still have the texts to my boss explaining I'm bad at quaritine but getting a lot of errands done I normally dont cause im busy at work but im wearing 2 masks when i go in public lol. Glad I understand the logic of this stupidity.
Wearing a single mask and putting a clear garbage bag over your head and duct taped to your neck is the safest way to be. I suggest everyone get their garbage bags and gorilla duck tape today.
Yeah, because THICKER masks wouldn't be more logical..... (s). (p.s. I don't even believe in masks, but.....)
I feel like the video with the doc blowing vapor smoke or his mask might have gotten around enough to cause some bumps. This explanation is hilarious. They suggest “tucking” in some format. Oh the joys of cross contamination they just opened up to their still compliant sheeple or the fearlings. Afraid of punishment or “plague” enough to comply.
A logical mind could conclude their prior research insufficient for their prior claims... if one was capable of free thinking.
Next theyll want us to wear a plastic bag those stupid bastards
Some are ahead of the game https://archive.vn/8lGbO