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It’s time for a counter punch
That's what I say! Death Punch DS NOW! They are down, now it's time to take them out like the garbage they are.
Logically there has to be SOME reason why it's better to not be in power, not have the Senate, not have the Secretary of State or Defense on our side, play no trump cards. It is mind-blowing. I am DYING to know what that reason is. I assume it HAS to be a good one, because Trump.
There is zero chance after four years of inconceivable sacrifice and service to the nation and of unequaled cunning that this man got to Jan. 7 and went, "Whelp...never saw THAT coming! Wonder if I should do anything in the next two weeks before they inaugurate the traitor, while I'm still the most powerful man on earth. EO, Insurrection Act, martial law, DECLAS, maybe arrest someone easy like Corney...naaaahhh! FUCK it!! I'm outta here!!"
I can hardly wait to see how this timeline resolves itself.
Exactly. Very well stated.
I cant believe based on EVERYTHING we all know about Trump, that he just said “ah, fuck it... I’ve got 18 holes calling my name” and just walked away.....
They're not on our side because theyabre on the side of the deepstate. They serve them, not us. It's tthat simple. Tjey must go for ever.
My concern is the longer this goes on without "us" getting a real crumb to chew on, more people will fall away from the movement as major disappointment is slowly setting in. As they say, "seeing is believing". I think we are in need of "seeing" something to continue holding on. Trump winning against the faux impeachment isn't enough, bc now MSM is pushing for Fed/States to charge him. This crap just goes on and on w/o any accountability. JMO.
WHAT? you guys don't think we are being tested too? For our dedication to see this through and win. Quitters never win, winners never quit.
Hold the line, because there is one more unfulfilled promise: "The best is yet to come". This sentence keeps me going because, promises made, promises KEPT!!!
I keep praying everyday. We need eyes opened and truth absorbed by the masses. MSM needs to fall.
Doesn't seem to be helping atm.
Hold the line. This is the best part of the start of a battle. That longest minute While you wait for the order to fire.