Statement by Donald J Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
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This was like a warning shot and a reminder. Warning these swamp scum that their days are numbered but hopefully more than political, hopefully prison for many. Trump was reminding the public that Mitch is a two faced back stabbing traitor and Mitch opposed helping people that lost jobs because of democrat lockdowns.
Trump will be back, he didn't go through this much shit to stop now. The military is still quietly doing their job and Trump is just shooting out a reminder to people about how DC does not care about people.
I pray to God that the military will do the right thing at the right time.
Mr. Trump, this "Jimmy Carter malaise" portion of the movie's second-act is really boring the whiz out of me.
Cut to the chase already. Pepe-flying-an-F15 is what we're in the seats for.
That's PRESIDENT TRUMP to you.....
I'll call Donald whatever I want, and he'll like it, because that's the American way.
(And only slaves wear masks because they're ordered to.)
The Left are the ones using the term "Mr. Trump". They even addressed him as Mr. Trump before he left office.
Pepe should fly an F-22 Raptor. (Although I do like an F-15. Decpticons forever!)
settle down beavis, you can't control this.
Has anyone analyzed the interesting description of Mitch? Dour, sullen, and unsmiling. This has stuck with me these days. I think Trump chooses his words carefully and there are a great many alternative words he could have used. [d]our, [s]ullen, ... unsmiling is a really interesting word.
yeah, I noticed that too. Unsmiling stuck with me. I don't even know what to do with it but it stuck with me.
Prison for ONE would be a good start
I've gone a bit numb to the idea that justice will be served
Our elected officials get to commit felonies ranging from rape to money laundering to treason and then dance off to Bohemian Grove to party up and hunt some terrified naked children in the woods...but if you or I post the words "Thousands of mask" on FB, we get a midnight raid by the cops. In Florida. In Palm Beach County, where Trump lives.
We now officially have UK-style complete absence of freedom of speech.