Each year, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent and is always 46 days before Easter Sunday.Lent is a 40-day season (not counting Sundays) marked by repentance, fasting, reflection, and ultimately celebration.
The 40-day period represents Christ's time of temptation in the wilderness, where he fasted and where Satan tempted him.
I wish these dates meant something to us. Only means stuff to Q, it feels.
But hey, I'm all for game over, bring it on! Keep them guessing. Make them poop their pants every day worried about this or that being the day the world sees the truth!
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. Lent starts tomorrow. Could be a possible time in the biblical meaning as well. Not datefagging.
It is! Wow.. also the 17th
Where is Ash Wednesday in the Bible?
Why 40 days between it and Easter?
Ezekiel 8:14. Look up birthday and events surrounding his death.
Each year, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent and is always 46 days before Easter Sunday.Lent is a 40-day season (not counting Sundays) marked by repentance, fasting, reflection, and ultimately celebration.
The 40-day period represents Christ's time of temptation in the wilderness, where he fasted and where Satan tempted him.
I wish these dates meant something to us. Only means stuff to Q, it feels.
But hey, I'm all for game over, bring it on! Keep them guessing. Make them poop their pants every day worried about this or that being the day the world sees the truth!
My prediction:
NOTHING significant will happen tomorrow
My prediction: YOU'RE RIGHT.
How so?
The date is a one year delta. Not sure what it means yet!
Thank you! Is the also the 17 I keep seeing, lol
Oh good catch! I missed that one!!!
Glad you caught it; comment was jumbled as hell! LOL
Also 17 February 2021 = 022021 \ 21 - 02 (mirrored) - 02 = 17/17
unique date you can get on jan 2020 and from now once a year with a month shift until 2031
Please something incontrovertible happen. Something seismic. Something that the whole world has to take due notice of.
Yes Q states Game over for a reason would love to know what it means! Hoping tomorrow will give us some insight
Rest assured that absolutely nothing will happen.
I see you’ve given up on dating fags then. Quite right too. I know you’re right.
They’re ALL in on it together
My first thought was something related to Gamestop stock
More date fagging
Well, we know "Done in 30" was 30 months, but if also 30 days, that would make this weekend the 20th and could be SW
Im giving up (for now at least) on trying to date fag, after years of threads of faggery. lol
A post from one, two or three years exactly to the date. This will be a one year delta. Posted 2/17/20
Delta's most common meaning is that of difference or change in something.
I been trying to learn blues forever on my guitar! Must be nice!