Just a thought, say this weren't a natural happening, might they be aiming for Texas because of the morning star ranch? The massive chunk of land in Texas that China bought?
Why are you getting down voted? Hell my pre-teen was the one who told me about the weather control stuff. Not like it's a fringe conspiracy that the weather can be manipulated ya know?
Wow...?? the same ERCOT now under investigation by Governor Abbott and the TX State Legislature.?
In fact, it took a lot of digging to find out that the Chinese-owned company was involved at all. When Brazos Highland Properties LP began buying up 140,000 acres of land in the county, the only reporting that advocates from the nearby Devils River Conservancy could find on it was through Val Verde County’s property appraisal search.
“It was very cloak and dagger-esque,” said Julie Lewey, the executive director of the Devils River Conservancy. “We didn’t know it was Chinese, we didn’t know anything. We just knew they were planning to build wind farms.”
Lewey and her team only knew that a wind farm was in the works because another company had registered turbines on one Brazos-owned ranch with the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, a nonprofit that manages most of the state’s power grid.
I posted that article separately a couple of hours ago, I have no idea where it is in the feed right now, but I feel like it's significant, I didn't catch the Ercot , no one else did either, all I was thinking was who was behind freezing Texas, my cousin told me about the chinese buying up the land there, as I'm from Texas but moved away. Still a lot of family there.
What really made me suspicious of ERCOT, too, was the fact 5 out of 15 BOD members don’t even live in Texas. I still wonder if any employees of ERCOT have Chinese ties. Something just isn’t smelling right.
Friday we are supposed to get to 36 but I don’t know how much of the day will be above freezing. I expect to melt most of our snow on Friday. Saturday is supposed to be low 50s so it will for sure all be gone sometime Saturday if not Friday.
Thanks for checking on us! We are ok, been working from home all week now. Still snow on the ground, it’s supposed to heat up today, it is slowly. Snow is turning to ice, hope it all gets melted today. They conveniently stopped the rolling blackouts yesterday since our temps were going up. There’s going to be a lot of property loss and some lives. They did not even get the sand trucks out, it’s like a coordinated effort. Usually they don’t lay salt or anything just spray sand for traction. Idk what’s going on. I pay 8k a year in property tax and we can’t have constant power or a sand truck. Today is a Texas Honor Day, statehood day. The day they lowered the Republic of Texas flag and raised the USA. I ordered groceries but the stores are all empty, because they couldn’t restock. It’s going to take a couple of weeks to get back to normal. It will be 60 degrees in a couple of days.
Looks like the firefox logo.
Looks like a man holding a snake in his left hand to me.
that Damn Global Warming trend is hitting us again
Lmao, always tell my dad this when it gets extremely cold in Oklahoma.
A foot of snow, all the roads are completely covered, icicles everywhere, must be that damn global warming!
If that's accurate, the weather is being directed.
Am in Texas. Can confirm it has been very cold.
Here in Edmonton over the last two weeks, we had temperatures at a constant low of -45 to -25 Celsius.
Anything below 70 is considered winter in Texas, but it can drop to low 40’s here
Holy fork. I was shivering here in TX at 20*+
eventually it reaches a point where there isnt any difference
0 degrees and -20 degrees basically feels the same to me
It is the wind chill that will fuck you.
Wait, what? Al Gore was wrong? Good thing he invented the internet, he may hear about this!
Looks like the precursor to the next ice age. Just in time for them eliminating fossil fuels.
i wonder if this has anything to do with the edgar cayce prophecy considering mount etna exploded.
Just a thought, say this weren't a natural happening, might they be aiming for Texas because of the morning star ranch? The massive chunk of land in Texas that China bought?
Why are you getting down voted? Hell my pre-teen was the one who told me about the weather control stuff. Not like it's a fringe conspiracy that the weather can be manipulated ya know?
I don't have a clue, I guess they don't like my reference to Morning Star ranch? Idk? it was rambling musings anyway. Perhaps I should delete it.
Fuck em.
Oh, I did more digging, they are wind farms, the chinese own them? here look
Wow...?? the same ERCOT now under investigation by Governor Abbott and the TX State Legislature.?
“It was very cloak and dagger-esque,” said Julie Lewey, the executive director of the Devils River Conservancy. “We didn’t know it was Chinese, we didn’t know anything. We just knew they were planning to build wind farms.”
Lewey and her team only knew that a wind farm was in the works because another company had registered turbines on one Brazos-owned ranch with the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, a nonprofit that manages most of the state’s power grid.
I posted that article separately a couple of hours ago, I have no idea where it is in the feed right now, but I feel like it's significant, I didn't catch the Ercot , no one else did either, all I was thinking was who was behind freezing Texas, my cousin told me about the chinese buying up the land there, as I'm from Texas but moved away. Still a lot of family there.
What really made me suspicious of ERCOT, too, was the fact 5 out of 15 BOD members don’t even live in Texas. I still wonder if any employees of ERCOT have Chinese ties. Something just isn’t smelling right.
I just realized I posted a different article I think
It is, no wonder I didn't get a huge response, I linked a similar article from a different part of Texas
I forgot the Chinese military training for cold weather in Canada, and the 10th mountain cold weather training tweets in my original thought jumble.
Also/or it is a lesson on the folly of relying on green tech?
God saying who really controls the weather, perhaps?
Yeah, that's most certainly the point... sometimes my brain rambles, but you never know these days, it's upside down world.
We have some Canadian Geese that hang out here until he winter but I heard them fly away a few days ago ? I guess they couldn’t handle it.
Thanks for the well wishes! We will be fine.
Operation Popeye?
Yeah, NONE of that is natural.
Ive been here 20 yrs. Never seen anything like it.
It certainly didn't end well if they did. I've been in the Houston area 46 years.... I've never seen anything like this....
There was one very slow, maybe dead and that was before the snow. If they’re not burrowed in a tree somewhere they’re probably dead by now.
Friday we are supposed to get to 36 but I don’t know how much of the day will be above freezing. I expect to melt most of our snow on Friday. Saturday is supposed to be low 50s so it will for sure all be gone sometime Saturday if not Friday.
Thanks for checking on us! We are ok, been working from home all week now. Still snow on the ground, it’s supposed to heat up today, it is slowly. Snow is turning to ice, hope it all gets melted today. They conveniently stopped the rolling blackouts yesterday since our temps were going up. There’s going to be a lot of property loss and some lives. They did not even get the sand trucks out, it’s like a coordinated effort. Usually they don’t lay salt or anything just spray sand for traction. Idk what’s going on. I pay 8k a year in property tax and we can’t have constant power or a sand truck. Today is a Texas Honor Day, statehood day. The day they lowered the Republic of Texas flag and raised the USA. I ordered groceries but the stores are all empty, because they couldn’t restock. It’s going to take a couple of weeks to get back to normal. It will be 60 degrees in a couple of days.