Just want to put the word out that the National Guard in DC on 3rd shift are being deprived of having 3 meals a day. They are only getting 2 meals a day. This is absolutely unacceptable. With transportation included their shift goes from 11 to 9.
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I’m assuming 3rd watch is over midnight? In the Navy it’s called mids and midrats! You usually are only provided two meals due to how the watches fall. They are prob allowed to go out in town for the 3rd meal? I’m not sure what the NG are allowed to do with a mission like this though. It’s weird just really weird.
Yes. 11 p.m. to 9 a.m. I’m not sure yet but my impression is they don’t eat on their shift and end up sleeping during one of their day meals. They get a very scant bit of food when they come off their shift.
The way it’s set up they should be treating it like any other base. The same lax environment. Your in watch you on watch when your not your not. There is zero reason our military should be treated as if they are on enemy soil here in the US. If they are being treated like this our military should be asking some questions.
If we're right about D.C., they are occupying enemy territory now.
But every deployment I've ever been on, Carrier based and land based as EOD, we ALWAYS got our 4 meals/day. Even on the Army, MC, and AF bases I was at.
Democrats would rather send that food to illegals.
Or defund them and keep the money for themselves.
Anything we can do to help?
I don’t know. I’m not sure who is responsible for getting them fed. The day shift people are fed three meals but they are not making any special accommodations for the night shift. This is just crazy.
Night shift always gets screwed ☹️
Chow hall is always closed during the night shift!
That’s terrible. ?
https://t.me/richardcitizenjournalist (sorry for the telegram link but it's all I have for him)
This guy might be a good resource... he's teamed up with a couple of places in DC and have gotten meals to a lot of the troops. I'd be happy to donate if we can figure something out!
I don’t have a telegram account so I can’t talk to him. I know they are at the Grand Hyatt Hotel.
When they come off their shift they get fruit juice, a pastry, and a granola bar. Then they get a warm meal at 6. Nothing is offered to them between 12am to 8 am. They sleep from ten til they get up which is more than likely shortly before six pm
Maybe that old hag Jill will bring them some more cookies
When some crazy shit goes down, and you know it will one way or another, do they really believe these NG are going to be motivated to throw their lives away defending these elitist snobs from a mob or the regular military??? HAHAHA...
These idiots are just digging their own graves by treating these guys poorly. At least lunatics like the leaders in Venezuela or North Korea know to feed their guards well enough that they are actually somewhat motivated to guard them.
Bruh I barely get 2 meals a day
Usually, shifts when deployed are 12-13 hrs on, 12-13 hrs off. This is nothing new.
The meals is, though. IF that's true. There's 4 meals, btw. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Mid-Rats. Mid-Rats is mainly supposed to be for the night shift it be able to eat "lunch," usually served between 11 pm and 1 am.
Don't know if I should b surprised by this, though, now that DOD/JCS is trying their damndest to normalize the Harris/Biden Admin.
Something is off about this post, though. Not sure if I really believe it without hearing more info from the NG members themselves.
OP, do you have CONCRETE evidence of this?
I know a mom that has a child deployed there.
Capital cafeteria
For questions about the menu, please contact the Capitol Cafe: (202) 593-1785 or by email: [email protected]
Thank you. I’ll pass this on.
Trump would've made sure they had McDonalds!