Just know that this is a new kind of shill tactic. Instead of directly instigating anti-semitism, they post something like this in the hopes that someone makes a nasty comment that they can then use for "Muh QAnons are Nazis"
It is very probable that Hitler played the same role like Brevik. "Vaccination" against idea. There are genetic proofs that hitler's family have also JEWISH roots. Moreover campaign in USSR doesn't make sense,why Hitler wanted to personally control the army instead of letting German generals (being EXCELLENT strategists and tacticans) just do their job ? Attacking Moscow,"Leningrad" (Petersburg) and Caucasus oil fields at once doesn't have any sense like Germans being prey of Russian winter just 130 years after Napoleon failure. Who would be less suspected for stabbing Germany in the back in the interest of jews that man who claimed jews stabbed germany in the back and claiming he is anti-jewish to the level of commiting biggest mass genocide on the jews in history ? Who would be less suspected for working for them ?
(Holocaust allowed jews to have impunity whatever they do now ! Were they really only nation treated so by Germans ? Only nation being victim ? What about Arminians at the beginning of the century for example ? What about death toll of jewish idea of communism ?!)
I am antisemite,I proudly admitt that - because antisemite is today synonyme of person hated by the jews. If you are wanting to "fight antisemitism" here then you piss not only on Majorie Taylor Greene and other American patriots but also you ignore the fact who is Bidet administration, who is in Trump-hating mainstream media, who is responsible for communist indoctrination of your children on Schools and Universities. (Also funny question: 1-2 of 3 shot by Kyle Rittlehouse:
what roots those leftists had ?)
You will have to ignore bolshevik "Frankfurt School" wanting to destroy America from within.Ignore the fact who were behing bolshevism, you will have to ignore Rotschild and others at the next move. You have to ignore,that there was worse mafia than Italian mafia of Al-capone and it was Jewish one in America - working in America to this day:
I am not antisemite because I don't like that minority which not only despite being 2% have 7% in American government (and having more agents of influence not being jewish too) which promote circumcising of your citizens after birth "because of health reasons" (really health,sure not their religion ?) claims your country is oppressive and you are, it is your country you decide if you want be their slaves, die in their wars on middle east and so on dear American friends. However they took also power in my country, they also rob and humiliate my nation too,every nation in europe in fact and everywhere they promote communism and anti-white racism called "multiculturalism".Except the russians there isn't probably the nation having more right to condemn Hitler and German nazis crimes. My great grandfather died because gangrena caused by german bullet, my grandfather were hiding to not be arrested by germans ! And that is small really because some families suffered much,much more. And I say one clear thing: jews and their russian-mongol horde were not better. So I condemn Hitler,yes - but also condemn jewish communism !
Not to mention worst thing - it looks many of jews are behind human traficking,so probably also about helping pedophiles or being them themeselves. Don't believe me ? Ok.But answer me this silly question:
Who is Epstein ? What kind of national roots he shared with Ghislaine Maxwell ?
Don't let yourself be Silenced because of "Antisemitism". Don't let yourself be silenced about Jews crimes because Hitler or silenced about communists and illegal rapefugees because of Brevik ! NO MORE LIES ! Probably not all jews are bad, I never claimed that all of them are.But there is big part within their nation conspiring against us,commiting crimes against us - and it shall be stopped,or we will be doomed.
I will stop you right there. If you read what he wrote and everything he used to say, he has always said that Communism was his biggest fear. Fighting USSR was his biggest goal once he unified Germany. The problem was that the West started attacking him. At one point when Soviets started marching east, he just had to make the decision to fight USSR even though he had not stabilised his western front. Thats because he considered Soviet expansion the biggest problem.
It wasnt a bad plan, he still had a good chance to win but sh*t happens. Well, mega winter happened. Looking at Texas and all the cold freeze right now, I am starting to wonder if the Cabal already had the weather control tech.
I am starting to wonder if the Cabal already had the weather control tech.
But I doubt any Cabal had it in 1942 ! Nicola Tesla died 1943,no chance they controlled it in 1942 !
It wasn't a bad plan, he still had a good chance to win but sh*t happens. Well, mega winter happened. Looking at Texas and all the cold freeze right now,
I said something: 130 years after Napoleon failure and German army goes to Russia unprepared ? Do you know that Napoleon army begun as 600 thousands and ended 10 thousands retreating,massacred ! German generals had to know all of that ! Old school Prussian military school, they almost wiped one all armies in western Europe before war with soviet union in months,and haven't taken Britain only because of the see. You think they had only one Ervin Rommel and nobody else competent ?
Anecdote years before the WW1 but showing German cadre quality:
"When to the late Helmut Karol, Count. von Moltke (1800-1891), an aide-the-camp officer came in the morning with the message: "War with France!", the field marshal said: "War plan with France - second drawer from the top". He turned over and went to sleep"
It is not about morality,but when it comes to competences Germans had the most competent officer cadre comparing to any other nation - including America. And it was Hitler who forbid them to do things according to their plans. Most people say "incompetence".Of course.But every sabotage could be explained that as most "reasonable" explanation.
Hitler fucked campaign against Russia not allowing professionals to command.That's the fact. Also: declaring war to America after Pearl Harbor was another nonsense Hitler did.And if you will look closer - there were even more such nonsenses. "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence/stupidity" some man said. But I would reverse that bullshit because better paranoid that naive in that case.
Is questioning the election the modern day fake news comparison of questioning the holocaust? Asking as someone who was raised Jewish... I never thought about it till I saw a few bitchute vids out of nowhere (fun soccer game in camp, all newspapers running in lockstep after war(remind ya of mockingbird?) And that they weren't about killing jews, just central banking just like Putin has banned rothschild banking cartel and myanmar just did too...
No I don't want to focus about this stuff here...
But banning questions as a bastion of free speech isn't a good look.
Maybe we direct them to conspiracies.win
No idea...
Just know that this is a new kind of shill tactic. Instead of directly instigating anti-semitism, they post something like this in the hopes that someone makes a nasty comment that they can then use for "Muh QAnons are Nazis"
Pelican?? That's a new one to me. Short explanation?
It is very probable that Hitler played the same role like Brevik. "Vaccination" against idea. There are genetic proofs that hitler's family have also JEWISH roots. Moreover campaign in USSR doesn't make sense,why Hitler wanted to personally control the army instead of letting German generals (being EXCELLENT strategists and tacticans) just do their job ? Attacking Moscow,"Leningrad" (Petersburg) and Caucasus oil fields at once doesn't have any sense like Germans being prey of Russian winter just 130 years after Napoleon failure. Who would be less suspected for stabbing Germany in the back in the interest of jews that man who claimed jews stabbed germany in the back and claiming he is anti-jewish to the level of commiting biggest mass genocide on the jews in history ? Who would be less suspected for working for them ?
(Holocaust allowed jews to have impunity whatever they do now ! Were they really only nation treated so by Germans ? Only nation being victim ? What about Arminians at the beginning of the century for example ? What about death toll of jewish idea of communism ?!)
I am antisemite,I proudly admitt that - because antisemite is today synonyme of person hated by the jews. If you are wanting to "fight antisemitism" here then you piss not only on Majorie Taylor Greene and other American patriots but also you ignore the fact who is Bidet administration, who is in Trump-hating mainstream media, who is responsible for communist indoctrination of your children on Schools and Universities. (Also funny question: 1-2 of 3 shot by Kyle Rittlehouse: what roots those leftists had ?)
You will have to ignore bolshevik "Frankfurt School" wanting to destroy America from within.Ignore the fact who were behing bolshevism, you will have to ignore Rotschild and others at the next move. You have to ignore,that there was worse mafia than Italian mafia of Al-capone and it was Jewish one in America - working in America to this day:
I am not antisemite because I don't like that minority which not only despite being 2% have 7% in American government (and having more agents of influence not being jewish too) which promote circumcising of your citizens after birth "because of health reasons" (really health,sure not their religion ?) claims your country is oppressive and you are, it is your country you decide if you want be their slaves, die in their wars on middle east and so on dear American friends. However they took also power in my country, they also rob and humiliate my nation too,every nation in europe in fact and everywhere they promote communism and anti-white racism called "multiculturalism".Except the russians there isn't probably the nation having more right to condemn Hitler and German nazis crimes. My great grandfather died because gangrena caused by german bullet, my grandfather were hiding to not be arrested by germans ! And that is small really because some families suffered much,much more. And I say one clear thing: jews and their russian-mongol horde were not better. So I condemn Hitler,yes - but also condemn jewish communism !
Not to mention worst thing - it looks many of jews are behind human traficking,so probably also about helping pedophiles or being them themeselves. Don't believe me ? Ok.But answer me this silly question:
Who is Epstein ? What kind of national roots he shared with Ghislaine Maxwell ?
Don't let yourself be Silenced because of "Antisemitism". Don't let yourself be silenced about Jews crimes because Hitler or silenced about communists and illegal rapefugees because of Brevik ! NO MORE LIES ! Probably not all jews are bad, I never claimed that all of them are.But there is big part within their nation conspiring against us,commiting crimes against us - and it shall be stopped,or we will be doomed.
I will stop you right there. If you read what he wrote and everything he used to say, he has always said that Communism was his biggest fear. Fighting USSR was his biggest goal once he unified Germany. The problem was that the West started attacking him. At one point when Soviets started marching east, he just had to make the decision to fight USSR even though he had not stabilised his western front. Thats because he considered Soviet expansion the biggest problem.
It wasnt a bad plan, he still had a good chance to win but sh*t happens. Well, mega winter happened. Looking at Texas and all the cold freeze right now, I am starting to wonder if the Cabal already had the weather control tech.
But I doubt any Cabal had it in 1942 ! Nicola Tesla died 1943,no chance they controlled it in 1942 !
I said something: 130 years after Napoleon failure and German army goes to Russia unprepared ? Do you know that Napoleon army begun as 600 thousands and ended 10 thousands retreating,massacred ! German generals had to know all of that ! Old school Prussian military school, they almost wiped one all armies in western Europe before war with soviet union in months,and haven't taken Britain only because of the see. You think they had only one Ervin Rommel and nobody else competent ? Anecdote years before the WW1 but showing German cadre quality:
It is not about morality,but when it comes to competences Germans had the most competent officer cadre comparing to any other nation - including America. And it was Hitler who forbid them to do things according to their plans. Most people say "incompetence".Of course.But every sabotage could be explained that as most "reasonable" explanation. https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/operation-barbarossa-and-germanys-failure-in-the-soviet-union https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/german-generals-diary-reveals-hitlers-plans-for-russia Hitler fucked campaign against Russia not allowing professionals to command.That's the fact. Also: declaring war to America after Pearl Harbor was another nonsense Hitler did.And if you will look closer - there were even more such nonsenses. "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence/stupidity" some man said. But I would reverse that bullshit because better paranoid that naive in that case.
Ok, well definitely make sure to let us know when you've come to a decision... on Adolph Hitler. ?
And then there's the weighty question of "maybe America's the villain, right?" ?
"Maybe that makes me literally Hitler, IDK."
omg, I like, so totally heard that in my head as if Summer from R&M said it, bitchin'!
a) you get all the points for honesty, I guess. ?
b) if you assert that "discussing Hitler" is the equivalent of being literally Hitler, you are the Hitler of hyperbole.
Is questioning the election the modern day fake news comparison of questioning the holocaust? Asking as someone who was raised Jewish... I never thought about it till I saw a few bitchute vids out of nowhere (fun soccer game in camp, all newspapers running in lockstep after war(remind ya of mockingbird?) And that they weren't about killing jews, just central banking just like Putin has banned rothschild banking cartel and myanmar just did too... No I don't want to focus about this stuff here... But banning questions as a bastion of free speech isn't a good look.
Maybe we direct them to conspiracies.win No idea...
High-five and handshakes, new fren!
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