222 We want our Real President, not some chinese knock off. Anyone else wanna refund ? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by PaintingTruth17 4 years ago by PaintingTruth17 +222 / -0 9 comments download share 9 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
By "election security" they meant literally securing the election.
Cash diverted to their friends for consulting, nice kickbacks, do nothing except make fraud easier for "democrats".
You can spend all the money in the world for all of the 'security' you want, but if you leave the back door open for the bad guys, they'll still rob you blind.
$425 million for election security when there was “no election fraud”.... RIGHT.
Chinese knockoff. I like that. And just like every other Chinese knockoff, you never get what you expect to be a good product.
Harbor Freight potato.
Lets pray he breaks within the first year like most china wares.
Good one.....