Can someone provide a TL;DR version of the Durham investigation into Russian collusion and how it plays out in Trumps favor?
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No firing squads. Its so hard finding ammunition that it will hurt that it is wasted on lizards. Hangings or electric chair. Oh we can use their wind turbines for the green new deal shit.
Or we can strip them all butt ass naked and throw them in our terrible Texas snow storms and broadcast it for everyone to see on national TV.
I agree. Ten expensive bullets each or one reusable rope. Seems like a no brainer to me.
I’ll donates some of my precious ammo!
No. Conserve ur ammo. Electric currents are fine
Saturday Night PPV at the Guillotine with your host Clint Eastwood
Clint voted for Doomberg. Fuck him.
Maybe that's why there is a shortage :)
I'd suggest burying them alive, but that dirt would be contaminated for a million years.
Drowning would do something similar to the water used ... We can't risk that getting into our system.
I agree with others ... Wasting perfectly good ammunition on these deadbeats is a crime in and of itself. Also, I hate seeing electricity wasted.
Finally, hanging is far too quick and humane for these scumbags.
I think we need to make this memorable ... Nothing should be off the table when it comes to these pieces of shit and we need reminders so that idiots 100 years from now won't even consider reviving the DS.
I propose a live TV broadcast called "The Air-free Zone". This would be a game show where the criminals can kill one another for a few more minutes of life... Just throw four of them into a room, seal it off, and put a timer up that states the amount of time left if 1, 2, 3, or 4 people are living. The sole survivor wins the grand prize of living a few more minutes than the others.
Now, people watching can place bets as to which will make the first kill, die first, etc. 25% of all bets go to a fund that accumulates. This fund could be used to help victims and/or fund other execution game shows (I'd love to see Hillary Clinton in a form of The Running Man ... But not in a yellow spandex suit as that could kill people).
Yes, I'm aware that this is unusual punishment, but I don't think it is cruel seeing that the perps are inhuman scum. The Constitution prohibits cruel AND unusual punishment ... If we just call it unusual, I think it'll be legal!