Is it really though, apart from people starting to hate him? Government takes forever and a day to move normally. Only biden / cameltoe is acting at all. No military forces seem to follow him or his orders.
Meanwhile the legislative and judicial branches at all levels seem to be engaged in counter measures nulling the acts except in liberal areas. To me it Looks like a war is going on but no one can hear any of the gunfire.
Remember this is a film. Films are not real life. They merely imitate it.
First link proves nothing but being anti extremist, could be against antifa or blm groups just as much as any other. Second link says serve the constitution, not the president.
Sorry if you have a decent challenge I'll listen, but if you've watched the plane fags you'd know that more is happening and Xi Biden has zilch involved.
Now if you can find a clause saying its only right wing groups the doc i linked is affecting, and cannot also be applied to left wing extremism as well, be my guest to quote chapter and verse. But dont forget how the military actually works in the process either. Its "defend the constitution" not "defend the politicians" that is the oath of the military last i checked.
given a search of your own article didn't find the word "right", "conservative", or any lefty buzzwords (racism, sexism, white, black etc), I'll take my unemotional and logical stance which incorporates additional data over your stance of "biden runs the military, because election. DOOOOOOOOM".
Fraud vitiates everything.
Odd so many flights to gbay, or af1 flying about when trump was out and biden was supposedly still in the white house, or af2 flying about when kamala was in her temp accommodation. Strange how the branches of the service stopped following the potus account on twitter so soon after inauguration. Strange they keep posting Q references. Odd how retired generals are claiming wwiii is happening now via deep cover ops and cyber warfare. Peculiarities abound between bidens features past and present.
This is a film. Wake up. Remember what this forum is, fren. No dooming, no shilling, & support Q.
Based on the military activity inside the country. There are/were whole threads daily dedicated to "plane fagging". Opened my eyes wide to whats happening. I doubt biden is sending planes with call signs such as "cabal66" to gbay.
Is it really though, apart from people starting to hate him? Government takes forever and a day to move normally. Only biden / cameltoe is acting at all. No military forces seem to follow him or his orders.
Meanwhile the legislative and judicial branches at all levels seem to be engaged in counter measures nulling the acts except in liberal areas. To me it Looks like a war is going on but no one can hear any of the gunfire.
Remember this is a film. Films are not real life. They merely imitate it.
This delusion is hurting our cause. There is some real world shit happening all around us
First link proves nothing but being anti extremist, could be against antifa or blm groups just as much as any other. Second link says serve the constitution, not the president.
Sorry if you have a decent challenge I'll listen, but if you've watched the plane fags you'd know that more is happening and Xi Biden has zilch involved.
Mate, if you go to the rules mentioned by your source, you can see exactly what the pawn bureaucrat had his order translated into by the military. Here it is btw -
Now if you can find a clause saying its only right wing groups the doc i linked is affecting, and cannot also be applied to left wing extremism as well, be my guest to quote chapter and verse. But dont forget how the military actually works in the process either. Its "defend the constitution" not "defend the politicians" that is the oath of the military last i checked.
given a search of your own article didn't find the word "right", "conservative", or any lefty buzzwords (racism, sexism, white, black etc), I'll take my unemotional and logical stance which incorporates additional data over your stance of "biden runs the military, because election. DOOOOOOOOM".
Fraud vitiates everything.
Odd so many flights to gbay, or af1 flying about when trump was out and biden was supposedly still in the white house, or af2 flying about when kamala was in her temp accommodation. Strange how the branches of the service stopped following the potus account on twitter so soon after inauguration. Strange they keep posting Q references. Odd how retired generals are claiming wwiii is happening now via deep cover ops and cyber warfare. Peculiarities abound between bidens features past and present.
This is a film. Wake up. Remember what this forum is, fren. No dooming, no shilling, & support Q.
Based on the military activity inside the country. There are/were whole threads daily dedicated to "plane fagging". Opened my eyes wide to whats happening. I doubt biden is sending planes with call signs such as "cabal66" to gbay.