Oh yeah, no doubt! I guess it depends on their sphere of assigned influence, lol. It makes better sense (to them) if it were white people denouncing white supremacy - it’ll be more believable, lol. I saw some comments yesterday made by Oprah - she’s working the pedo side... promoting molestation of little girls! These fuckers are evil!
Right! So it’s about time you stop promoting it as if it were about race ? It’s not even about left/right - it’s about good vs evil!
Thanks for the resource - sounds like it might be a good read to help educate people.
I only mention this. Because in reality. It is not black folks who push this "All white people are bad" narrative. That's the plain truth.
I find it interesting that it's really rich white elites like Gates. That promote the idea of white supremacy.
I point that out. To prove it's all bullshit.
Oh yeah, no doubt! I guess it depends on their sphere of assigned influence, lol. It makes better sense (to them) if it were white people denouncing white supremacy - it’ll be more believable, lol. I saw some comments yesterday made by Oprah - she’s working the pedo side... promoting molestation of little girls! These fuckers are evil!
I still think Oprah is controlled for sure. She might be worth a few billion.
But she sold her soul to the powers that be a long time ago.
You might find this interesting.
I’ll check it out, thanks! I’ll listen to it while doing some work on other things ?