I fear the Q team under estimates how many people are too far gone because they don't interact with society often enough. I love Trump, Pompeo etc. but are they out and about in the streets observing the average person?
People wear masks by themselves in their car, people wear masks walking outside by themselves or with their spouses, families and friends. I would put the number at 15-25%. The average person can't critically think or comprehend statistics.
I went over to r/Qanoncasualties just out of curiosity and holy shit that page is nothing but raw emotion and complaining. They can't even comprehend the idea that elite people are involved in pedophilia even though the Epstein "suicide" happened just last year.
Sometimes I get why optics matters but I am beginning to believe that some people are so far gone that it doesn't matter anymore. The people that Trump and the Q team are trying to save hate them beyond reason.
My coworkers for example cheered on the fact that Rush Limbaugh died. What did he do to them? Nothing. Just he is conservative so him dying is good. Why does our side feel the obligation to save them. I don't.
I understand Trump and the Patriots are fighting the Cabal not just for America but for the world. The stakes are very high.
I just don't get why we can't rip the band aid off?
The supreme court can say there was fraud. The left won't believe it.
Biden can run this country into the ground. The left will still support him.
Fauci can go on CNN and say that drinking your own piss will protect you from Covid and the left would start drinking their own piss and post it on tik tok and twitter.
Showing the Pedophilia is the only way.
I don't care how hard it is for NPC's and Normies. It's not my responsibility, your responsibility or Trump's responsibility if they can't handle it. These people hate him and us so why should we care. They say the meanest things about us, they cancel relationships over us etc.
Can someone please explain to me why we should care about these optics at this point? I know they want to awake as many people as possible but I fear that process will take too long. While that goes on millions of Americans are suffering from the Biden presidency already.
If you show the pedophilia proof, the 75-85% that aren't gone forever won't give a shit if the military or Trump take over.
Sorry for sounding entitled and impatient I just really think the Q team underestimates the brainwashing that Normies and NPC's are subjected too.
Totally agree and said so at the time. It's laughable to think that less than 10% are lost forever. I'd say it's closer to 30-35%
Yup, I agree.
Nothing is going to happen unless and until the establishment media is seized.
--People watch the news to GET their opinions. They know what they're told.
Exactly I am at the point that if a lot of these people killed themselves over the truth I wouldn’t care at all. That’s their problem not mine. We told them. Tough shit.
Natural Selection.
Plus Q wrote the 4-6% thing a few years ago, until COVID I never could foresee the level of sheep idiocy happening right now (although I knew nothing about the mask craze from the 1918 epidemic.)
it is more like 90%+ around me - maybe 4-6% in red states
I still think only 4-6% of people are 'lost forever'.
The satanic pedophilia stuff is going to be the red pill that nobody can avoid. Remember that there will be social consequences for continuing to take the blue pill in the future. That's the only motive that the sheep follow: 'everybody else believes it, so I need to agree with it too.'
They know the side that will be out in the streets causing problems is the left with their blm/antifa soldiers, They would be coming for us and we would be knocking them down all over town and Trump doesn't want that blood on his hands. But I feel like you when is enough is enough? If this carries on for to long and Xiden starts passing their real crazy laws and backing us into a corner is not going to end well!
Couple that with a Sarah Mcgauclan song and get that shit out there
Maybe Q's 0 key was broken and it was supposed to be 40-60% lost for ever. Those who are awake see and the left, man they took so many sleeping pills to stay awake.
Those people are sheep. Their values are based on whatever the media says. Once the media shifts, as will their values. It's really that simple for most of the bluepilled people.
I could not agree more. Millions of Americans are suffering under a Biden presidency yet billions of people around the world are suffering from deep state installed regimes and ideologies implemented globally. I mean just look at the middle east when after 9/11 Iraq / Afghanistan et al were invaded under the guise of terrorism & WMD, when in actual fact it was for oil and for a Rothschild central bank to be installed. Much like what happened in Libya too. These people are suffering and dying and have been for decades. They deserve more.
Look at Africa - completely devastated the deep state / cabal for centuries starting with the Privately owned British East India Company (Rothschild)
Now when it comes to optics, and trying to get people to wake up by themselves, waiting for people to wake on their own, just isn't going to be enough.
However, yes I agree that arresting the entire DC swamp in 1 go will cause massive riots and most likely a civil war, so why not start with some high profile celebrities/silicone valley actors.
Let's say 1 celebrity a day for a week, and then start with some high level silicon valley arrests and moving on from there.
Publicly arresting and charging Tom Hanks for example will go a long way to start waking the masses up. If he has already been arrested tried & executed like some claim (and we are watching a movie), wouldn't the public arrest & trial of Tom Hanks made massive strides in waking up the masses ? How many people would have woken up then on day 2, someone like Lady gaga was publicly arrested etc ...
Then in week 2 start with silicone valley, imagine the wake up if someone like Dorsey or Suckerburg were publicly arrested (these 2 are guilty of many things including most recently ELECTION INTERFERENCE). Imagine how good the optics would be on the plan if either of these 2 were publicly arrested. How many people would wake up if Bill Gates was publicly arrested etc etc etc....
You're underestimating herd mentality.
You're underestimating what brain washing is.
You're underestimating the power of agreeability.
Most people are sheep to be led. Most people do what the prevailing emotions tell them to do.
And you're doing the same letting your emotions tell you that things should be done your way. Go take a rest and stop being a faggot. The narrow path is exactly that; narrow, difficult, and beset by unpleasantness on all sides.
You don't sound like someone who wants to win, just someone who wants it to be over.
Don't call me a faggot. For a lot of us especially us in deep blue shitholes (Seattle area for me) this is a living hell at times.
I battle between my logic and emotion about all of this often. Hearing my coworkers literally celebrate Rush's death was sickening and made me fucking infuriated. I wouldn't celebrate a leftist radio host dying. I wouldn't really care but I wouldn't shotgun a beer over it or dance around about it.
There are days where I am more logical about all of this like a couple of days ago.
I have been awake for 10 years, you don't think I want to win? For a lot of us this community is the only place where we can consistently talk to like minded people. Maybe some of things you said are correct and I hope so but we don't need infighting.
Since when did calling someone a faggot become infighting on an anon board?
You sound like one of the people you describe in your own post.
cry some more.