Personally, I don’t listen to RDS. He’s brilliant a mixing 90% truth with 10% untruths. I don’t trust my spidey senses enough to filter out all of his BS.
you do have to come back to how in the hell was Scalia lured to the hunting lodge. everything smells about it. I dont want to think he was compromised but I have learned over the last 6 years that when it comes to the personnel lives of famous people we see a highly managed version of the person. I respect a lot of his decisions and written opinions but I dont know the guy other then what is reported on.
There is no reason to assume anything. These three could be controlled opposition for the DS. It could be ACB and/or Kav. are controlled opposition by the other side (Trump team). Its impossible to know what is really going on at this time. This is a disinformation war for the planet earth. It's best to never assume anything is what it seems to be.
no wonder the stink on Gorsuch. I think that is evident the more stuff is made up by demacrat' s about a nomination the better the candidate for the supream court. i
Good old Clarence Thomas, I wish we had more like him, I hope he has adequate security, since he's spoken out about their shenanigans.
Evidently Scalia was dirty according to Robert David Steele
Personally, I don’t listen to RDS. He’s brilliant a mixing 90% truth with 10% untruths. I don’t trust my spidey senses enough to filter out all of his BS.
you do have to come back to how in the hell was Scalia lured to the hunting lodge. everything smells about it. I dont want to think he was compromised but I have learned over the last 6 years that when it comes to the personnel lives of famous people we see a highly managed version of the person. I respect a lot of his decisions and written opinions but I dont know the guy other then what is reported on.
He was totally killed yes I agree. Doesn’t take away the fact he was dirty.
Is it just me or does it sound like he is calling the entire SCOTUS a bunch of Cucks?
No, Gorsuch also dissented along with Thomas and Alito. We have 3 cert good guys!
There is no reason to assume anything. These three could be controlled opposition for the DS. It could be ACB and/or Kav. are controlled opposition by the other side (Trump team). Its impossible to know what is really going on at this time. This is a disinformation war for the planet earth. It's best to never assume anything is what it seems to be.
no wonder the stink on Gorsuch. I think that is evident the more stuff is made up by demacrat' s about a nomination the better the candidate for the supream court. i
Anita Hill 2.0