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I still feel like we are waiting on durham. Q has mentioned him to many times as well as mentions in his last posts. I honestly think his investigation is what sparks it all off.
Well considering durhams investigation isn't over. And the scope of it just got massive in October 2020 I find it very hard to say that it's a disappointment. Q has talked on the Huber investigation so my point is moot on it.
is there a rough time frame for that?
Nope. Barr made him a special counsel back in October 2020. Mueller special counsel went on for three years so who knows. Waiting sucks but there's nothing else we can do at this point
If they already had everything years ago it shouldn't take that long.
Besides, the scope and breadth of Mueller was continuously increased to build dirt and tarnish Trump's name.
3 years??????????????