If you listen to the BardsFM podcast. He has a guest that talks about our court system.
The 1871 Act basically made it impossible for those who don't have "STANDING" with the corporation. To sue that corporation.
This is why legally. The cases are not being heard.
Once we switched over to a corporate structure. Each state had no choice to switch over to a corp that the fed corp recognizes.
Which means. A "STATE" would now have legal standing to sue the federal corp.
That's my understanding of this.
So we cannot blame the judges who say there is no standing. Legally.. it is true via previous changes made.
"So we cannot blame the judges..."
YES, we can.
3 of the 9 judges claimed that the cases should have been heard.
That's enough to condemn the other 6 judges for inaction (or corruption).
I see your point. I am just saying that "Legally" they covered their asses.
Texas, the state, also had no standing, so this story doesn't wash.
The courts simply won't hear the cases because they are corrupted. That's it. Nothing more.
I thought the Texas case was due to something else. Any links on this? I can't remember.
It was due to no standing.
You know what i find fucking hilarious. Our own community calls out this bullshit yet the left thinks we fall for shit like this
I'd love to know why military hasn't moved. If space force (or who the hell ever) has digital tracking showing overseas manipulation why not show it now and be done. The longer people appear in office, the harder to remove, along with policies, in the public view. And unmolesting children, thats hard to do. I understand faith and belief...but God helps those who help themselves. Is there uprising needed before revealing or military movement?? I should hope not. And I wish everyone would STOP about 2022 and 2024. Its comedic.
Not really.
Judge Thomas' dissent seems to suggest otherwise?
They still can choose to hear the cases if they want to. But it's legal for them to say that Trump does not have any standing with the US Corporation.
It's their "Legal Out" of hearing the case. I assume this is how the US Corp wanted to it be designed.
So does that stand with the 2A and 1A? Why was Texas' suit from December thrown out? They didn't have standing either?
Was Texas thrown out because of Standing? It shouldn't have been.
I believe it was a technicality but don't remember now for sure. Obviously they never challenged because I don't think they appealed.
So does this fall in line with “military is the only way”? It’s definitely getting old.
I never said it was optics. I am saying that the whole standing this is due to the Corporation structure. From what I understand.
This wasn't for optics. It was away for the court system to "Legally" so no. It sucks. But it is what it is.