If people are not awake yet, they won’t be. The military is the only way left to wake up those who remain asleep. DO IT NOW! Patriots are getting restless... the only thing waking up now is a Sleeping Giant. If that happens, it won’t be pretty!
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I do not call what I am personally being subjected to by my “loved” ones minimal. I’m nearly suicidal. This is not an exaggeration
Sorry to hear that, from my heart, hang on, you and your loved ones will become a single, strong force, you wouldn't want to miss out.
Yeah you don't want to miss the reckoning. Hang in there!
why would you tell them about q? i havent told any of my friends or family, thats just asking for trouble
yeah but you dont go straight to Q for someone who has TDS. That's too far into the deep end. You need to gently drop socratic questions so you slowly erode their defences and they gradually wake up themselves.
You dont need to mention q to anyone unless they come to you asking for more info or you see they are sufficiently redpilled. That way you dont lose friends and family.
I stopped careing at this point I'm in it to win the information war. You know what is the best tactic for those you are informing.
You can think Q is fake but you can't tell me the narrative the MSM pushes is real. Easy Open