They're plan is to kill more people, of course it doesn't need testing. Just give it, make it have a delayed reaction of 3-6 years and BOOM. You got you a great depopulator, aka vaccine.
Elderly first. Then mentally and physically disabled and branch out from there. Notice how Biden recently has been saying wait your turn to get the vaccine.
Direct to consumer genocide. Isn’t it great!?
The first Covid vaccines didn't get lrngthy testing either! They must really believe we are all morons...
They are 1/2 right. ?
They're plan is to kill more people, of course it doesn't need testing. Just give it, make it have a delayed reaction of 3-6 years and BOOM. You got you a great depopulator, aka vaccine.
More proof thatthis vax is bad juju
First jab isnt the killer it’s the primer to what’s to come with the following jabs
Elderly first. Then mentally and physically disabled and branch out from there. Notice how Biden recently has been saying wait your turn to get the vaccine.