Agree. They're sharting in their pants left and right and they're probably thinking it's a way to see if he really has the codes. They also know Trump has been in the shadows, so it could be their way to try and get him out of the shadows and talking so they can try and figure out his next move.
I think they are trying to find out if Xiden REALLY has the codes or not.
Agree. They're sharting in their pants left and right and they're probably thinking it's a way to see if he really has the codes. They also know Trump has been in the shadows, so it could be their way to try and get him out of the shadows and talking so they can try and figure out his next move.
SO....THEY miss Q too, LOL
They could have asked me.
And I'd tell them "Hahahaha! Of course they're not real. And by the way, you fuckers are SO fucked!"
So, so fucked. The best kinda fucked. It’ll be glorious!