I keep hearing that the real Bidet hasn't been seen in public for quite some time now. Possibly even incarcerated somewhere. I'm personally convinced PedoJoe has been taken backstage.
Sooooo... what about the actors and body doubles currently playing Bidet? Are they on OUR side? Were they picked by Trump's team specifically for this job? Or are they just leftover actors/body doubles who worked for Bidet and now act as puppets and do whatever they are told to do?
Thots, anyone?
I would say whoever put the N word on Bidens teleprompter might be on our side
Subtle, but effective.
I think our side...the acting seems waaaaaaaaaaay too over-the-top crazy, mumbles, racist. My guess is to wake up normies on all sides how they're being played and ALL media lies to them for an agenda. Just my thoughts...
I agree.
Isn't it more likely that he is purposely stumbling to help sell the narrative that he is unfit for office so that Kamela Harris can take over?
I think body double of biden is part of the deepstate mainly because we’ve seen this one sniffing kids and trying to shut down trafficking bust operations, so that leaves him being a white hat plant out of the question.
Also I personally believe a body double would not be such a crazy idea. After all, uday hussein had one.
They are playing up the things real Biden did or would have done. He laid out in plain English the voter fraud. White hat operator.
Don't know really, but with Piglosi and Harris openly asking for nuke football access and a council of decision makers that can't be removed, IF this Biden isn't the real one AND he's really secretly working under Trump's bidding, it makes sense that those two would be "asking" for that access in order to keep progressing [their] plans of getting us into a hot war with Chyna/Iran or even Russia, while also effectively removing Trump from any decision making process
No, but "Thots, anyone?" made me spit out my tea! ?
LOL. Why???
Thought = idea
Thot = ho
Thots, anyone? sounds like an offer ...
Wish I had my tea back now.
Ha! I got the joke! You're not the only one with your mind in the gutter permanently. Kek
LMAO. Didn't know that.
I keep hearing he actually died of a heart attack Jan 06' I don't know where the rumor is coming from though, also that trip to the hospital/dog/cast incident was pretty sus.
If Biden collapses, which it often looks like he’s going to, will it be because the fake Biden is acting or will it be real?