Typical Karen thinks she's so "hawt" that guys keep following her and she's excited about it but also triggered because "women are in danger all the time from guys like you" blah blah blah and doesn't shut up until she realizes she made a mistake. So typical.
No she knew she wasn't in danger, she just wanted to show off her crop top and midriff, and lecture some white boys about the "trials and tribulations" of being female. As a female, I can say no, we DON'T get harassed nearly as much as she thinks we do.
Typical Karen thinks she's so "hawt" that guys keep following her and she's excited about it but also triggered because "women are in danger all the time from guys like you" blah blah blah and doesn't shut up until she realizes she made a mistake. So typical.
Do you think for one second that she would have done that if she actually felt scared?
She obviously knew she was 'safe' enough to go up to them and have a rant.
No she knew she wasn't in danger, she just wanted to show off her crop top and midriff, and lecture some white boys about the "trials and tribulations" of being female. As a female, I can say no, we DON'T get harassed nearly as much as she thinks we do.
Fair point. Personally I found the way she adjusted to her new reality quite amusing, like a startled robot ;)
hehe, honesty good stuff