Well... slap my ass and call me Sally: AOL News: "Amid COVID-19 pandemic, flu has disappeared in the U.S."
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Funny how the MSN suddenly seems to be dripping out truth bombs, eh?
Was loving it until they credited masks. Plenty of legit mask efficacy studies out there that show masks not only don't stop viruses, they harm us.
Condensed version of article - " We now spell flu as c-o-v-i-d ".
Nailed it
So what does that say about the flu 'vaccine'.
I've had it one time in my 52 years, and I've also had the flu one time. Right after the vaccine.
i have had the regular flu a couple time but the worst was right after i had my first flu shot ...never again
“Covid virus muscled out the other strains”. Like it beat up the normal flu? How does that work?
"Another possible explanation: The coronavirus has essentially muscled aside flu and other bugs that are more common in the fall and winter. "
im calling BS on this , thats not how viruses compete.
and if it was because of masks and distancing how come it doesnt work for the wuflu?
?????? Oh Sally!!!
The plandemic is designed to undermine American economic, and social independence.
W Polsce grypa także zniknęła, oficjalnie. Zwykli ludzie diagnozują grypę, a lekarze diagnozują covid, bo tak im kazano .