There was an initial court order last year where they examined 100 adjudicated ballots at random. They found a 3% swing for Trump (1 was called for no one but was actually for Trump +1, and one was called for Biden when it was actually for Trump +2).
Then they were supposed to investigate more ballots (1000) but for some reason, it evaporated.
Long story short, we actually have really strong evidence to believe that it will easily swing Arizona for Trump if they investigate properly.
And that's without even factoring other sources of fraud, like how the Dominion machines do their count.
Been saying from the beginning all it will take for normies is ONE state to flip due to fraud to get them to admit something wasn't right about this election. This is good news!
Wouldn't it be funny if some of the stubborn corrupt swing states stay put (like Georgia) but if some of those smaller, supposedly solid Democrat, states start flipping one by one.
Not sure what will happen in new Hampshire, but they seem to be getting less resistance form the Democrats, at least in their Senate, than in all of these supposed swing states (in Arizona, all the Democrats voted against an audit, probably because they know it will not be good for them). Maybe those New Hampshire Democrats are overly confident and don't realize that it's very possible for their state to actually flip for Trump. This one would be a huge shock through the system. Bigger than Arizona.
Yes! It would be the definition of ironic if NH switched. That was my darkhorse Trump state in my pre-election results map. I was very surprised to hear it wasn't close and have been looking for some sign of fraud. Thanks for sharing!
I live next door in Vermont and travel through NH all the time. There is NO WAY on God's Green Earth Biden won NH. Trump also won Virginia, All of Maine, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico and possibly California. We all know he won PA, GA, WI, And MI
is it possible that everyone had to calm down so that normies could actually think straight for a change?
I actually had to break it to my 84 year old uncle that we aren't vaxxing (still doesn't know for sure the politics of his two nieces) and he was TOTALLY COOL about it. shocked, i tell ya. he is not demanding a mask from everyone all the time now either. hopefully, this will trend in the correct direction.
There is some hope for MI. With Cuomo being almost certainly on his way out, Whitmer might be next. She did about the same thing as Cuomo but potentially even worse. I heard stories of younger but mentally ill virus patients being sent into the MI nursing homes. The only difference is she didn't get an Emmy, but in some ways, she's as bad if not worse than Cuomo.
Also, your Senate majority leader seems to know what's going on. Not sure why they don't act, but maybe they're cowards. Lots of nasty Democrats in power in Michigan, making threats. Maybe with Whitmer out of the picture (if that happens), they will get the courage to act.
It is only good news if the ruling is enforced. IIRC, weve been here before. Not trying to doom, just saying. Its good the judge made a good call. But enforcement of good calls, enforcement of contempt when they stone wall the order, that is where we're falling down in Arizona.
If they can actually get it done, please excuse me but I'll get excited then. Until then I will remain hopeful and pray.
Little else though, unless of course they offer to let citizens help enforce the order. In that case I'll be there in as long as it takes to drive with all the "enforcement" they'd ever need, no problem!
There are a few reps and senators in AZ that are all over this and know they are hiding shit. Supposedly there are other legislatures watching AZ they are the lead if they break this loose it should start the dam breaking..........He says its an up hill battle and the Demonrats are trying to stop this anyway they can...If this was a fair and free election audit everything and prove it...
Fortunately the County Recorder who set all this in motion did not win reelection. It's been the County Supervisors who turned out to be in cahoots, essentially. They probably all cheated their way in during the primaries.
That would be EPIC. I will never underestimate the Donald. The guy is a pitbull when he thinks hes been wronged. Cant wait to see how this all plays out.
I'm way in Northwest Peoria and it is purely Trump stomping grounds. I never saw one Biden sign or flag from here to Phoenix. Fingers crossed there can at least be some truth.
On that note, are our elected officials subject to the same drug testing policies as we common employees are? Nancy Pelosi, for one, is the perfect example of an Adderall junkie. Those dilated junkie pupils of hers, her head shaking and her erratic speech pattern - those are dead give-aways. She's a regular Judy Garland running on speed.
That's fine. I only made a reference to Anthony Bourdain's "suicide" after witnessing Adam Schiff's drug-crazed romp with an equally drug-crazed and eventually dead minor but that's fine.
maybe "military is the only way" is some intentional misdirection and Q wants WE THE PEOPLE Patriots to do it and be able to take credit for it knowing later that the military was always there in the event we faltered
The way this is going to go from here. Arizona flips easily after the audit of Maricopa. Then Wisconsin goes full on audit and flips, then Georgia will either flip or go invalid because they destroyed the evidence and the two senate seats will be null and void too. At this point Biden goes to 269. PA and MI will not have the guts to do the full on Audit. Then NH will flip. Biden 265, Trump 257. From there the military will take control and step in and order a new election in early fall. By then all swing states Republican legislators will have voter ID in place and outlaw mail in ballots while the military oversees the new election results. Without cheating and the amount of regret Biden voters now have after his executive orders of destruction Trump will win 435 to 103 in September.
Virginia was the most blatant and least scrutinized think they might flip the easiest they lost 789,000 trump votes and still were short so they dumped and flipped at 11pm and some poll workers took ballots home.
The Maricopa County Elections Department blocked dozens of people that had been commented negatively on their behaviour to hide the truth. Then they decided to turn OFF ALL COMMENTING. Have to backtrack to the Maricopa County page now to comment on this bullshit.
they are gonna find trump won arizona
There was an initial court order last year where they examined 100 adjudicated ballots at random. They found a 3% swing for Trump (1 was called for no one but was actually for Trump +1, and one was called for Biden when it was actually for Trump +2).
Then they were supposed to investigate more ballots (1000) but for some reason, it evaporated.
Long story short, we actually have really strong evidence to believe that it will easily swing Arizona for Trump if they investigate properly.
And that's without even factoring other sources of fraud, like how the Dominion machines do their count.
Been saying from the beginning all it will take for normies is ONE state to flip due to fraud to get them to admit something wasn't right about this election. This is good news!
New Hampshire is also starting to look at their election results.
Wouldn't it be funny if some of the stubborn corrupt swing states stay put (like Georgia) but if some of those smaller, supposedly solid Democrat, states start flipping one by one.
Not sure what will happen in new Hampshire, but they seem to be getting less resistance form the Democrats, at least in their Senate, than in all of these supposed swing states (in Arizona, all the Democrats voted against an audit, probably because they know it will not be good for them). Maybe those New Hampshire Democrats are overly confident and don't realize that it's very possible for their state to actually flip for Trump. This one would be a huge shock through the system. Bigger than Arizona.
Republicans won every position on the NH ticket... except for President...
There might just be some honest people and even a few judges left, too.
At this point we don't even know which states are red and blue, since these electronic voting machines have been around for 20 years.
Yes! It would be the definition of ironic if NH switched. That was my darkhorse Trump state in my pre-election results map. I was very surprised to hear it wasn't close and have been looking for some sign of fraud. Thanks for sharing!
I live next door in Vermont and travel through NH all the time. There is NO WAY on God's Green Earth Biden won NH. Trump also won Virginia, All of Maine, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico and possibly California. We all know he won PA, GA, WI, And MI
Georgia already knew during the hearing that there was fraud and they did NOTHING.
Georgia SoS invited Dominion to speak on "Historically Secure" elections the other day so I wouldn't say they did nothing.....
Continue the Big Lie.
That’s how you “fortify” an election.
is it possible that everyone had to calm down so that normies could actually think straight for a change?
I actually had to break it to my 84 year old uncle that we aren't vaxxing (still doesn't know for sure the politics of his two nieces) and he was TOTALLY COOL about it. shocked, i tell ya. he is not demanding a mask from everyone all the time now either. hopefully, this will trend in the correct direction.
We are getting a bunch of bullshit in MI. We have HARD EVIDENCE (thank you Mr. DePerno) but the political hacks here don't lift a damn finger.
There is some hope for MI. With Cuomo being almost certainly on his way out, Whitmer might be next. She did about the same thing as Cuomo but potentially even worse. I heard stories of younger but mentally ill virus patients being sent into the MI nursing homes. The only difference is she didn't get an Emmy, but in some ways, she's as bad if not worse than Cuomo.
Also, your Senate majority leader seems to know what's going on. Not sure why they don't act, but maybe they're cowards. Lots of nasty Democrats in power in Michigan, making threats. Maybe with Whitmer out of the picture (if that happens), they will get the courage to act.
Most importantly, thank Russell Ramsland and his team of engineers as well.
It is only good news if the ruling is enforced. IIRC, weve been here before. Not trying to doom, just saying. Its good the judge made a good call. But enforcement of good calls, enforcement of contempt when they stone wall the order, that is where we're falling down in Arizona.
If they can actually get it done, please excuse me but I'll get excited then. Until then I will remain hopeful and pray.
Little else though, unless of course they offer to let citizens help enforce the order. In that case I'll be there in as long as it takes to drive with all the "enforcement" they'd ever need, no problem!
That's why they cancelled sheriff joe
Dominion machines deleted 700,000 votes from Trump in AZ. They must have stolen the senate race too and God knows how many other races.
My money is on the alien angle. Something else to add to my long list of shit I just can't believe.
AZ the first domino
Yes please!!!!!
and then some
There are a few reps and senators in AZ that are all over this and know they are hiding shit. Supposedly there are other legislatures watching AZ they are the lead if they break this loose it should start the dam breaking..........He says its an up hill battle and the Demonrats are trying to stop this anyway they can...If this was a fair and free election audit everything and prove it...
Let's see what their, the crooked election officials, next step is to withhold the truth. I can't wait until they are all in prison.
Fortunately the County Recorder who set all this in motion did not win reelection. It's been the County Supervisors who turned out to be in cahoots, essentially. They probably all cheated their way in during the primaries.
Good news. Is there still hope to reverse the election? Q said the military is the only way, so I'm guessing that's not going to happen?
well if the election was a sting operation then yes
That would be EPIC. I will never underestimate the Donald. The guy is a pitbull when he thinks hes been wronged. Cant wait to see how this all plays out.
It might trigger some action or domino fall i believe
About time. Trump won not only AZ, but the whole country.
I live in Maricopa County and it's very Pro Trump, hoping for the best. I was floored when it was called for Biden.
I was too. There’s your token liberal here and there, but not nearly enough for Trump to have lost
I'm way in Northwest Peoria and it is purely Trump stomping grounds. I never saw one Biden sign or flag from here to Phoenix. Fingers crossed there can at least be some truth.
Snobsdale has a lot of transplants from CA/IL/NY and they ALL brought their toxic liberal ideology with them ?
There needs to be a high tax if you move to a conservative state from a liberal one. To deter people from ruining it
Some of them are. I talk to a lot of the parents at the park we go to. Many are based. Unfortunately...some aren’t tho
Lol that’s exactly what My Husband and I said, only way Biden had a chance would be if we got that many new CA residents.
There’s no way he got THAT many though
Thank you dear Jesus for hearing our petitions!
Praise be His name! ?
That’s hiuuuuuuuuge!
And, do you think they will do it, or will the ballots suffer a tragic boating accident or loss to fire, or will they just flat refuse to deliver?
They will die of a heart attack maybe?
Cmon man! We all know it'll be covid!
More likely they will be found hanging in a hotel room from an apparent suicide.
By a red scarf on the door handle
On that note, are our elected officials subject to the same drug testing policies as we common employees are? Nancy Pelosi, for one, is the perfect example of an Adderall junkie. Those dilated junkie pupils of hers, her head shaking and her erratic speech pattern - those are dead give-aways. She's a regular Judy Garland running on speed.
That's fine. I only made a reference to Anthony Bourdain's "suicide" after witnessing Adam Schiff's drug-crazed romp with an equally drug-crazed and eventually dead minor but that's fine.
maybe "military is the only way" is some intentional misdirection and Q wants WE THE PEOPLE Patriots to do it and be able to take credit for it knowing later that the military was always there in the event we faltered
$10 says they end up in a firey automobile crash on the way over
The dams about to break. Prepare for the flood.
The way this is going to go from here. Arizona flips easily after the audit of Maricopa. Then Wisconsin goes full on audit and flips, then Georgia will either flip or go invalid because they destroyed the evidence and the two senate seats will be null and void too. At this point Biden goes to 269. PA and MI will not have the guts to do the full on Audit. Then NH will flip. Biden 265, Trump 257. From there the military will take control and step in and order a new election in early fall. By then all swing states Republican legislators will have voter ID in place and outlaw mail in ballots while the military oversees the new election results. Without cheating and the amount of regret Biden voters now have after his executive orders of destruction Trump will win 435 to 103 in September.
Very nice ruling
Virginia was the most blatant and least scrutinized think they might flip the easiest they lost 789,000 trump votes and still were short so they dumped and flipped at 11pm and some poll workers took ballots home.
You know they had time to cherry pick ballots to provide if ever forced to comply with a subpoena
Yup, it's like investigating a murder scene after it's been all cleaned up. Or investigating a virus facility a year after the thing started.
And if they don’t?
This is phenomenal news!
The Maricopa County Elections Department blocked dozens of people that had been commented negatively on their behaviour to hide the truth. Then they decided to turn OFF ALL COMMENTING. Have to backtrack to the Maricopa County page now to comment on this bullshit.
They won't hand them over
Cue hand wringing and ominous music.
That's awesome. Another judicial ruling to be freely ignored. PA blazed the trail on this. SCOTUS backed them up. Nothing to see here.
Cool, now for the 2020 Presidential Audits???? Waiting for justice....................
You watch, he is going the same route as Barr, being silent and then leaving without producing anything. Wait for it. MILITARY!
They’ve already probably replaced the ballots
Once sheriff Joe left it was all over. He made his inmates wear pink jumpsuits! ?. Based AF
will it take the a sheriffs posse to go and collect what the Senate has requested, repeatedly I might add...
"Sorry we cant find them"
At least the Arizona Senate WANTS to audit them. Not too sure about the other states.