I know the ex-presidents are sitting because of G.H. Bush, but her body language is projecting power, she has studied under Marina Abramović. "Abramović said Mother Monster went even further than anyone expected. "She is a hardcore student," Abramović said. "I had to blindfold her and she was in the forest for three hours, eaten by mosquitos and spiders, scratched by the bushes. It was quite incredible." I have a gut feeling that Gaga is being groomed to take over from one of the Rothschilds as a Dark Mother.
Little known fact: that bitch is 75. Adrenochrome is supposed to rejuvenate you and keep you looking fresh or whatever, but does it stop actual aging? But, I’ve gotta say, for 75, she does not look a day over 45
She could be eating raw meat no way to know. Elites in hollywood do this but will not admit it saves them from cancer etc the human lifespan is much closer to 200 if you only eat raw meat and raw fat. Study Aajonus Vonderplanitz. Getting older doesnt mean you have to become weaker. Given what I know about nutrition their health isnt impressive and they probably do use expensive trqnsfusionw from young people as a kind of oil change to cheat and live longer but we dont see them aging in reverse as you can on raw meat. Its just not many people are ready to live that way.
Dead on. 100%. Projecting power. Also fairly close to the Bush's the way she's standing. Hands touching their backs? Familiar? More than acquaintances?
Do we know the context of this pic? Where? When? It's funny because I feel like even a normie would wonder why on earth gaga would be hanging with 5 former potus. When I look at this I can see exactly what's going on.
Little bit of digging... the photo is from 2017 Deep from the Heart: One America Appeal Concert. One America Appeal is a sub charity of George Bush Presidential Library Foundation, which has a 501(c) status so that "100% can go to the people" except that according to charitynavigator.org only 45.9% actually goes to the programs, in total "they" raised by the way of donations from 110,000 people $41M, so about $19m went to disaster relief, a drop in the bucket compared to the $5B of taxpayer money that Congress approved just for Puerto Rico alone. Remember the warehouses full of emergency relief supplies from 2017 discovered in 2019 when Puerto Rico got hit with an earthquake? 100 semi truck loads of supplies in this video, in this single warehouse. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/01/18/wow-puerto-rico-governor-fires-emergency-response-director-after-massive-warehouse-of-unused-aid-discovered/#more-181275 .Other things the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation pays for is a CNN "documentary" called 41ON41 produced by Mary Kate Cary, a former speechwriter for Bush, and a bronze statue of Bush at Texas A&M for $50,000. As for the concert, all the musical guests and ex presidents will write off the million dollars they would usually get for appearance fees as a tax deduction, which is legal, I guess. These people profit from disaster and war.
Is this real? For what purpose? Weird, 6 Lucifarians.
I know the ex-presidents are sitting because of G.H. Bush, but her body language is projecting power, she has studied under Marina Abramović. "Abramović said Mother Monster went even further than anyone expected. "She is a hardcore student," Abramović said. "I had to blindfold her and she was in the forest for three hours, eaten by mosquitos and spiders, scratched by the bushes. It was quite incredible." I have a gut feeling that Gaga is being groomed to take over from one of the Rothschilds as a Dark Mother.
Or just taking over Abamovic.
Little known fact: that bitch is 75. Adrenochrome is supposed to rejuvenate you and keep you looking fresh or whatever, but does it stop actual aging? But, I’ve gotta say, for 75, she does not look a day over 45
She could be eating raw meat no way to know. Elites in hollywood do this but will not admit it saves them from cancer etc the human lifespan is much closer to 200 if you only eat raw meat and raw fat. Study Aajonus Vonderplanitz. Getting older doesnt mean you have to become weaker. Given what I know about nutrition their health isnt impressive and they probably do use expensive trqnsfusionw from young people as a kind of oil change to cheat and live longer but we dont see them aging in reverse as you can on raw meat. Its just not many people are ready to live that way.
Dead on. 100%. Projecting power. Also fairly close to the Bush's the way she's standing. Hands touching their backs? Familiar? More than acquaintances?
Do we know the context of this pic? Where? When? It's funny because I feel like even a normie would wonder why on earth gaga would be hanging with 5 former potus. When I look at this I can see exactly what's going on.
Little bit of digging... the photo is from 2017 Deep from the Heart: One America Appeal Concert. One America Appeal is a sub charity of George Bush Presidential Library Foundation, which has a 501(c) status so that "100% can go to the people" except that according to charitynavigator.org only 45.9% actually goes to the programs, in total "they" raised by the way of donations from 110,000 people $41M, so about $19m went to disaster relief, a drop in the bucket compared to the $5B of taxpayer money that Congress approved just for Puerto Rico alone. Remember the warehouses full of emergency relief supplies from 2017 discovered in 2019 when Puerto Rico got hit with an earthquake? 100 semi truck loads of supplies in this video, in this single warehouse. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/01/18/wow-puerto-rico-governor-fires-emergency-response-director-after-massive-warehouse-of-unused-aid-discovered/#more-181275 .Other things the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation pays for is a CNN "documentary" called 41ON41 produced by Mary Kate Cary, a former speechwriter for Bush, and a bronze statue of Bush at Texas A&M for $50,000. As for the concert, all the musical guests and ex presidents will write off the million dollars they would usually get for appearance fees as a tax deduction, which is legal, I guess. These people profit from disaster and war.
Great work Pede! These people are sick!
That is most definitely an insult to dogs everywhere!
This is a picture with 3 bushes.
Hw bush was paling around with her too?
So who is THEIR controller...
cause it was the dog walker that was shot.
Was is Soros that was killed?
WTF cares about Lady Gaga's dogs? Just asking...
Literally no one. People keep saying it’s “dog comms”
Which two are missing?
Was this taking at the American Traitor convention I heard about?
Nice find!
swollen ankles