Incidentally the GME stock shot up again while the fed was down and it took them tens of millions of shorts to get the price back under control. There's no way in the world they'll be able to cover them, it's all coming down.
Edit: There's also talk in MSM about recent breakthroughs in quantum computing that could result in ultrasecure networks.
Same here! keep holding!!!! I got in on GME on the $200s with a 10k drop then dipped in again on the $50s with a 5k drop, seriously... we've seen the price JUMP when the fed sys was held up so there might be some big developments later on. If you desire, you can think of it this way, If the "new" financial system this topic is talking about doesn't collapse than we might stand to make some serious riches when this situation absolves itself!
Incidentally the GME stock shot up again while the fed was down and it took them tens of millions of shorts to get the price back under control. There's no way in the world they'll be able to cover them, it's all coming down.
Edit: There's also talk in MSM about recent breakthroughs in quantum computing that could result in ultrasecure networks.
Oh they were caught with their hand in the cookie jar big time. Theyre not getting out of this without heavy heavy losses.
The post I linked probably has some sources.
Good luck. Best numbers we have is that GME could be possibly 400% shorted.
Read here
I hope so....still holding at a much higher price (got into GME late).
Same here! keep holding!!!! I got in on GME on the $200s with a 10k drop then dipped in again on the $50s with a 5k drop, seriously... we've seen the price JUMP when the fed sys was held up so there might be some big developments later on. If you desire, you can think of it this way, If the "new" financial system this topic is talking about doesn't collapse than we might stand to make some serious riches when this situation absolves itself!
Yes....if I lose a bunch of money, at least I made a political statement! :-)