posted ago by noidolsleft ago by noidolsleft +42 / -0

This is taken from his Telegram page: https://t.me/s/linwoodspeakstruth

Back to the vaccine and Trump issue.

Rather than me speculating at this time, let me suggest you think through the situation applying your good common sense. You might have a better explanation than me.

Consider the following:

  1. Trump had no medical training. He had to rely on his medical advisers. Recall that one of them could not throw a baseball 15 feet toward home plate.

  2. In the latter stages of a political campaign, how could Trump urge voters to NOT take a vaccine approved as safe by the manufacturers and FDA? Seems to me like political suicide. What do you think?

  3. If an official is going to change positions on the vaccine and urge that it NOT be taken, wouldn’t you expect that the official would only do so after clear evidence emerges that the vaccine is problematic or unsafe? That the vaccine is was NOT what it was represented to be in terms of effectiveness and safety.

I am continuing to consider this issue. It is a tough one. I am interested in your analysis.


Also, a few days ago Lin put out a sample conversation for talking to people about vaccines:

Have you had the conversation below where you asked these questions to a work colleague or friend lately?

Q. Did you take the Covid vaccine? A: Yes.

Q. Do you know that you can still get Covid? A. Yes.

Q. Do you know that you can still spread Covid to others? A. Yes.

Q. So you know that you still have to wear a mask (or two!) and social distance? A. Yes.

Q. Then why did you take the vaccine? A. [Silence]

Q. Did you take the vaccine because you knowingly wanted to modify your DNA?

A. I did not know that. I did not read up on the vaccine before I took it. Does it really do that???

Moral of the Story: When you are given the right to choose, educate yourself so that you can choose wisely.

ALL choices have consequences.