posted ago by LiberalTearFiend ago by LiberalTearFiend +72 / -0

Start an actual CNN but Comedy or Clown News Network. Get a doppelgänger for each of the fools a DLemon, Cuomo, Cooper, etc. Literally cover the same shit with the same mockingbird verbiage but in a way that makes them look like fools. Talk about the importance of masks but then transition to the wrong Fauci speech about masks April 2020. FAUX news is too oppositional and creates the false dichotomy needed for their color revolution. We would save tons of money because they would be basically writing 90% of the script for us. I can't think of an easier way to be immune to their criticisms than 24/7 mocking them and highlighting there hypocrisy and inconsistencies. I think it would empower the people to mock the news and sensitivities of woke culture and would be protected by parody and satire under the 1A. I want to show the joke to the world I see when I turn on and watch CNN. clandestine red pilling. Weakening the enemy weaponry.