HE'S NOT BIASED IN A POLITICAL SENSE, though that is what AZ officials want you to believe. His "bias" is that he wants a fair election process with an audit of 100% of the ballots. See his latest YT - the last 20-25 minutes talk about "bias" - archived here: https://archive.is/1YbfA
BTW, Pulitzer's audit process has NOTHING to do with the Dominion machines. His process scans 100% of the ballots and audits their validity - whether they may have been scanned repeatedly, if they were printed in an approved facility/printer, if they were xeroxed, if they were folded (as mail-in should be), etc. WITHOUT DISCLOSING CONFIDENTIAL VOTER DATA.
AZ officials are terrified their "dirty little election rigging scheme" (that's gotten them elected for decades) will be found out.
For those who don't kniw, Turing was a genius that invented a supermachine never before known to man, to crack the uncrackable nazi encription method whose codes would change regularly and had near limitless combinations for its time.
I'm paraphrasing and not doing him justice. They wanted him fired for not producing right away but the dude plowed through and pulled through and saved countless lives.
What a woman. God bless her and all like her whom we'll never know about but are the reason we're alive today.
Sometimes I take a moment to meditate on people like that, I don't know who they were, but I know they were there. All with their personal struggles (Turing suffered a lot as a closeted homosexual in those times) yet when they were needed most, stepped up without expecting any accolades and pulled miracles.
they won't use him because he's biased!
Yeah cuz the last 2 companies didn't have ties to dominion ??
HE'S NOT BIASED IN A POLITICAL SENSE, though that is what AZ officials want you to believe. His "bias" is that he wants a fair election process with an audit of 100% of the ballots. See his latest YT - the last 20-25 minutes talk about "bias" - archived here: https://archive.is/1YbfA
BTW, Pulitzer's audit process has NOTHING to do with the Dominion machines. His process scans 100% of the ballots and audits their validity - whether they may have been scanned repeatedly, if they were printed in an approved facility/printer, if they were xeroxed, if they were folded (as mail-in should be), etc. WITHOUT DISCLOSING CONFIDENTIAL VOTER DATA.
AZ officials are terrified their "dirty little election rigging scheme" (that's gotten them elected for decades) will be found out.
Jovan is literally the Alan Turing of our time.
For those who don't kniw, Turing was a genius that invented a supermachine never before known to man, to crack the uncrackable nazi encription method whose codes would change regularly and had near limitless combinations for its time.
I'm paraphrasing and not doing him justice. They wanted him fired for not producing right away but the dude plowed through and pulled through and saved countless lives.
Also, story of earlier manual codebreaker Elizabeth Smith Friedman is very interesting - https://www.spytalk.co/p/she-had-a-code-the-secret-life-of
What a woman. God bless her and all like her whom we'll never know about but are the reason we're alive today.
Sometimes I take a moment to meditate on people like that, I don't know who they were, but I know they were there. All with their personal struggles (Turing suffered a lot as a closeted homosexual in those times) yet when they were needed most, stepped up without expecting any accolades and pulled miracles.
Doesn't prevent the 'panel of non-biased experts' from using Jovan's tech