Does all Bidass’ executive orders get voided? The pipeline go back in production, the workers get their jobs back, etc, etc? I’m just curious how it would all work.
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At my most optimistic, they will never need to go back to work. A lot of people in this Country can retire with what is due them stolen through the corruption of income tax and interests paid all our lives.
No work means nobody there to buy things from
I would like to know the answers to this as well.
I think that the song "Happy Days Are Here Again" will make a big comeback. I think all Biden's shitty E.O.s will will be null and void.
Yes, yes and yes! How could it not be that way??
If we can assume that Bao Dan is not the legit president, then everything that has been done to this point is null and void. Yes, the pipeline workers have been sent home, many in the government still believe Bao Dan is the real president. Once he is out of office because he is proven illegitimate, it's all vaporware.
I imagine it being like that episode of South Park [Make love, not warcraft] They defeat the enemy with the flash drive, they are hailed as heroes, Randy is Randy....etc
Then (either Stan or Kyle ) says" So..What now?" to which fat ass says to them. " What do you mean? Now we can finally play the game."
EO's aren't voided. Oblama's weren't and he wasn't born here and so was an illegitimate president