Back in even older days was called a cock, and to this day the proper name for a male birds is cock, e.g. peacocks are the males peahens are female. Look in bird fancier literature. Male pigeons and guinea fowl are cocks. Jesus said "before the cock crows thrice" -- He wasn't talking sex. Shutoff valves in kegs are cocks or stopcocks and the resemblence to a male organ led to the relatively recent slang use. I know I'll get downvoted by all the people looking for evil everywhere but get a grip, this is a valid use of an old word. Maybe children should learn proper meanings instead of slang.
I absolutely believe it was bastardized, intentionally.
Btw, notice something else about the book? Tails of animals hang off the edge of the pages, inviting the child to put them in their mouth. It's literally a grooming device.
If you can't see the suggestive content in this AD, you're a fucking retard or a pedo.
Furthermore, when a child is teething a pacifier or a binkie is the proper remedy, not devices that encourage the child to put anything and everything in its mouth. First of all, it's fucking DANGEROUS for the child and could lead to poisoning or choking. Not to mention, many of these products are made in China and full of PCB's or worse.
This book is telling a child to put animal parts in it's mouth and suggests beastiality.
So which is it? Are you stupid and arrogant, or are you a pedo?
I wouldn’t worry about the book so much. There are plenty of books meant to be teething proof should a baby put the book in their mouth. Even cock can be an innocent enough word that people have made dirty in other contexts. I would be worried about the disgusting photographer in this situation, who clearly knew what they were doing when they set up that shot. Who are they and where is that child would be my primary concerns.
I know all about that. But I believe that the word rooster has been used more in recent times as the term "cock" has been familiarly associated with sex.
Regardless of whether or not its a proper term -- cock for a bird is, I know -- showing a picture of a baby sucking on that term is an absolute purposeful act of degeneracy. And maybe you shouldn't defend or rationalize pedophilia.
Back in even older days was called a cock, and to this day the proper name for a male birds is cock, e.g. peacocks are the males peahens are female. Look in bird fancier literature. Male pigeons and guinea fowl are cocks. Jesus said "before the cock crows thrice" -- He wasn't talking sex. Shutoff valves in kegs are cocks or stopcocks and the resemblence to a male organ led to the relatively recent slang use. I know I'll get downvoted by all the people looking for evil everywhere but get a grip, this is a valid use of an old word. Maybe children should learn proper meanings instead of slang.
GAY used to mean happy or blissful
I absolutely believe it was bastardized, intentionally.
Btw, notice something else about the book? Tails of animals hang off the edge of the pages, inviting the child to put them in their mouth. It's literally a grooming device.
so much for my gay attire, its all rainbow colour
If you can't see the suggestive content in this AD, you're a fucking retard or a pedo.
Furthermore, when a child is teething a pacifier or a binkie is the proper remedy, not devices that encourage the child to put anything and everything in its mouth. First of all, it's fucking DANGEROUS for the child and could lead to poisoning or choking. Not to mention, many of these products are made in China and full of PCB's or worse. This book is telling a child to put animal parts in it's mouth and suggests beastiality.
So which is it? Are you stupid and arrogant, or are you a pedo?
I wouldn’t worry about the book so much. There are plenty of books meant to be teething proof should a baby put the book in their mouth. Even cock can be an innocent enough word that people have made dirty in other contexts. I would be worried about the disgusting photographer in this situation, who clearly knew what they were doing when they set up that shot. Who are they and where is that child would be my primary concerns.
I think we can clearly see the authors intent.
Books are for reading.
Binkies are for teething.
Don't program babies to put everything in their mouth, especially animal parts.
" bite and pull at will.. not torn" in combo with a kid chewing on the word cock....the totality of it is where it gets dicey
I know all about that. But I believe that the word rooster has been used more in recent times as the term "cock" has been familiarly associated with sex.
Regardless of whether or not its a proper term -- cock for a bird is, I know -- showing a picture of a baby sucking on that term is an absolute purposeful act of degeneracy. And maybe you shouldn't defend or rationalize pedophilia.
A rooster is the Alpha chicken. Typically its a cock, but sometimes it may be a hen.
It's merely one of those "technicalities" the liberals use to justify their perversion.
Go back to Facebook, Grandma.
I don't think there's an issue with the word as much as it is with word placement... Kid has a book in his mouth, where is the word? ..near his mouth.
What do Antifa faggots and religious zealots have in common? They literally shake over made up or exaggerated bullshit...